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Reposting this from a v4

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Reposting this from a v4

August 26, 2017

Reposting this from a v4 forum:
Hi. We have a Campus school project with 4 buildings to be certified under v4, two of which are to be BD+C for Schools and the other BD+C NC. The LT Credit Bicycle Facilities is a Campus credit, however the campus guidance we can find is only for v3 and states that showers and bicycle storage must be within 200 yards of each of the building entrances. Is this still current in v4?

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Change the Location/Alter Something After Standard Review

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Change the Location/Alter Something After Standard Review

August 21, 2017

Can we still alter the location or renovate something after the standard review (for example: relocation of bike racks)?
I'am confused because GBCI wants to submit the application after the completion of project.

Please see below commercial guide for standard review:
"Through the standard review path, you will submit your entire application (all credits and prerequisite) once you've completed your project"

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New LEED building within existing LEED project site boundary

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

New LEED building within existing LEED project site boundary

August 17, 2017

I have a building registered under LEED NCv2009, that is being built entirely within the LEED boundary of a certified LEED NCv2.2 Gold project. Same owner. Of the existing LEED v2.2 project, the only things we are altering are the grass and the parking lot, to make way for the new building. I read under MRP3 that "Any given parcel of real property may only be attributed to a single LEED project building." Is there a way I can split the original LEED boundary in half so that each project has a portion? The projects will share the parking lot, though. I'm basically unsure how to establish my LEED project boundary for the new v2009 project, and how to deal with the old project/any shared site elements. Any advice?? Thank you!

I also posted this under MPR3

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Registering an individual project under a Campus project

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Registering an individual project under a Campus project

August 14, 2017

Does anyone know if we can register an individual project under a master site with only the master site name and ID information and without actually having access to the master site project on LEED online?
The way I have done this before is through Campus > Master Site > Add Project and it seems like this is the only possible way. However, our client is responsible for documenting the master site credits and they want to know if we can register our individual project separately from the master site and somehow still be able to link the two to get points from the master site credits?

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LEED certification fees

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LEED certification fees

August 4, 2017

Can you please tell me about all compulsory certification fees to get LEED certification?

Registration fees, split / combined design review fees , appeal fees - all are compulsory . Am i right ?

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Prelim and Final Submission Timelines

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Prelim and Final Submission Timelines

July 19, 2017

What are the expected prelim and final submission timeline for both design and construction credits by USGBC?

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working in certified campus

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

working in certified campus

May 26, 2017

if I am working on a new project that will be located in a gold certified campus; does it mean the new project will be gold certified? & does it take points under the credit LEED ND location because of its location? or what to do

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Liability of the LEED Consultant

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Liability of the LEED Consultant

May 12, 2017

I have a question regarding the "Liability of the LEED Consultant":

A contract has been signed between a LEED consultant and the client in order to obtain a LEED certification for the project. No LEED level has been specified within the contract.

Throughout the process, the LEED consultant has done the paper work for some of the credits (Let's say 4/8 of the compulsory and the 20/43 optional ones; which equals to 35 documented points).

In the middle of the LEED process the client has changed his mind and wanted to cancel the contract for some reasons.
50% of the contract price has already been paid to the LEED consultant and 50% of the money has not been left.

How do we decide about the percentage of the work that the LEED consultant has completed and how do we make sure whether the LEED consultant received the right amount of money?

Could this be calculated by the credits that have been worked and documented on (in this case 24/51) or could this be by the number of points that the contractor have completed out of 110 (in this case 35/110)?

I look forward to receiving your ideas regarding this case.

Best regards,

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cold, dark warehouses in v4

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

cold, dark warehouses in v4

May 4, 2017

The majority of our Core & Shell warehouse projects are cold, dark shells with no tenants. We do not see a path for these projects to achieve certification at all in LEED v4 C&S. Neither does it appear that they could be certified under Warehouse, since that rating system appears to be geared for full build out NC warehouses. They simply don't have enough point opportunities available to them without a build out.

Though there are many barriers to achieving the necessary points - one of the most obvious is the BPDO Raw Materials credit where previously such a project could get credit for significant recycled content and regional materials. Now this credit explicitly limits the amount of structure and enclosure materials that can contribute to 30%. What they are building is the enclosure structure.

In 10 years, we have never had to tell a client that their project simply cannot be LEED certified. What do we tell our industrial warehouse clients with a history of certified C&S warehouse projects that are facing v4?

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Projects constructed by diferent owners, same property managment

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Projects constructed by diferent owners, same property managment

April 27, 2017

A land owner wants to develop 2 buildings in a section of his terrain and wants to sell the rest of the parcels. He wants to develop a master site to certify his 2 buildings but he wants to encourage the owners of the parcels to certify their buildings, taking advantage of the master site. All of the buildings are going to be managed by the same entity once they start to operate.

Is this possible under the regulations of LEED Campuses?


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