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LEED Project Management Software

Back in 2009 and 2010, LEED professionals were getting busier and busier, but LEED Online, the official documentation platform, was not keeping pace. For a brief moment, LEED Automation appeared to be the answer, with a variety of companies putting forward software to streamline the process, reducing laborious documentation steps to a few clicks.

Today, the field has narrowed to a few platforms. Here are the ones we're aware of.

Do you use any of these tools? What do you like/dislike?

Some of the better-known tools that have fallen to the wayside include:

  • GreenGrade (shutting down in December 2016)
  • Green Wizard (declared bankruptcy in January 2016)
  • LoraxPRO
  • O+M Track

Prompted by the recent GreenGrade announcement, I asked around to see how people are handling this issue. Here's what I heard:

  • In general, it appears that professionals are much more concerned right now with where to find product data to support the Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits in LEED v4. Here's our guidance on that: Product Libraries To Help You Achieve LEED v4 Material Credits.
  • A typical response was: "Over the years, we have been solicited by several vendors. Our opinion has always been that what they are offering is not so much better than basic LEED Online. We’re all struggling with providing more service at lower cost and the expectation that LEED is integrated into the design and this is something such providers fundamentally failed to understand [in their subscription structures]."
  • "I have never really seen the need for additional LEED project management software. To me, it’s just one more thing to pay for that would add cost to the project, and one more software platform and interface that project team members would have to learn. One of the past features I’ve seen on these software programs are the ability to track who has done what work and when, but the new LEED Online has a timestamp and project team member name now for each action taken, making that offering obsolete. Another benefit was a specialized communication portal where the project team could talk to each other about tasks in-process and work yet to be completed. Emails and phone calls have always seemed to work okay for me. Unless the software deconstructs your Revit model and does all the documentation for you, I couldn’t imagine ever being persuaded to make that investment."
  • "We have looked at some of the other dedicated platforms from time to time, but did not see any added value (and definitely didn't want to add another layer to LEED Online for our teams). We have been well served using our own internal management and LEED Online (and, of course, frequent visits LEEDuser)."

That last reference to LEEDuser was completely unsolicited! Here, we have always tried to offer a basic but powerful LEED knowledge resource that supports you in managing LEED projects in any way that works for you.

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What are your favorite tools for managing LEED projects? Is there anything on your wish list? Please comment below.

And to stay current with LEED Online, which you're almost certainly using to some extent, tune into our regularly updated guidance, which covers both what's working and what's not.

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CS v2009 Appendix 4 - Lease and Sales agreement

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General forums

CS v2009 Appendix 4 - Lease and Sales agreement

October 27, 2016

I have a project that the owner/landlord are seeking LEED-CS certification, but none of the tenants have any interest in seeking LEED-CI certification. This project is a cold-dark shell, so as part of the CS certification we are mandating the tenants meet the technical requirements for a number of credits through Lease/Sales agreements. Once the project receives certification, are the tenants held to the technical requirements listed in the lease/sales agreements for future renovations/remodels? Would it be acceptable to include wording in the Lease/sales agreements referring to the initial build out of the tenant space?

Thanks in advance.

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Group or single project?

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Group or single project?

October 24, 2016

We are pursuing LEED EBOM v2009 for an office complex. The project was built at the same time and has two twin buildings, with independent HVAC systems. However they operate as one, sharing open areas, underground parking, owner, property manager, waste disposal spaces (there is only one waste disposal space for the complex), purchasing, services (such as maintenance, cleaning, gardening, etc.).
We had registered this project as a single project but now have doubts about whether this should be a single building or group certification.
If we finally do this as a group, do we need to register a master site, etc?
What do you think?

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LEED Rating System Transition to LEEDv4 / Campus Registration

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

LEED Rating System Transition to LEEDv4 / Campus Registration

October 22, 2016


I'm working on a LEED 2009 project which will require a Campus registration on LEED Online. There has been an update on the USGBC website that all LEED rating systems will change to LEEDv4 by the end of October 2016.

Can we still register a Campus on LEED Online for our LEED 2009 project part the October 31 2016 deadline ?


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FTE for university facility

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Calculating FTEs

FTE for university facility

October 6, 2016

Our project is a University educational facility aiming for LEED-Canada 2009 (v3) certification.

LEED stipulates that students are to be considered temporary occupants, however we anticipate that higher level students (Graduate and Doctorate) will be using the facilities for 75-90% of the day as they need access to specialized laboratories to conduct their research.

Are we to count these students as temporary visitors AND part-time occupants, or as full-time occupants, or simply as temporary visitors?

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postponing a construction credit

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

postponing a construction credit

September 18, 2016

I need to know what if I decide to submit sum, and not all, of the construction credits during construction preliminary submittal, and postpone some others for the construction final submittal.
Is this possible, and if so; will these credits (postponed) get one or two rounds of review?

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Denied prerequisite

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Denied prerequisite

August 18, 2016

After two rounds of review EAp2 was denied although we reckon that we had totally addressed all comments of the preliminary review and additionally the issues described as outstanding in the final design review do not seem substantiated.
In such occasions and in an effort to ensure the best understanding of the outstanding issues would it be possible to speak directly to the reviewers? And in terms of the fees, would the appeal fee for EAp2 include EAc1 as well, or should an additional fee for EAc1 be paid, although all work to be done is related to EAp2 only?

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Design Changes After a Credit is "Approved"

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Design Changes After a Credit is "Approved"

August 17, 2016

Hi all,
I hope this is the correct forum for my question (Tristan, please redirect me, if not).
We have instances where changes are made that would impact an already "approved" credit - sometimes positively, sometimes not.
We also understand that each is only reviewed twice - preliminary and final.
What is the process for resubmitting a credit after final review - is this considered an appeal?


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Issue with LEED Forms

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Issue with LEED Forms

August 3, 2016

A few projects that I am as team member on have recently experienced a LEED Online form issue where information "disappears." I am curious if other folks have had this issue and how have you have approached dealing with it? If you've reached out to USGBC, what has their response been towards you? Thank You!

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Energy Star compliant attic access doors

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LEED for Homes (LEED-H) Forum

Energy Star compliant attic access doors

July 31, 2016

Can anyone steer me to a good source for a residential attic access door with compliant gaskets and insulation required by Energy Star V3?

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