The LEED reviewers, once again, have succeeded in exasperating me and my team. We submitted under alternative compliance making a case that our approach supports the intent of the credit and why. Review response - "credit requirements are..." Another, you submitted this at the wrong time, so rather than reviewing what you sent, we decided to just tell you about the process. Or the reviewer who apparently did not open all the uploads.
I know the process. There is no human to talk to. I send feedback and, more often than not, get a generic response that makes me question if they even read what I wrote.
The LEED WALL. Where I feel like I'm yelling at a concrete wall. I know I'm not alone. Some of my engineers don't care to do LEED projects anymore because they feel disrespected. I believe in the system, but I'm as exasperated as they are.
My question - how do we change this? How do we get back to LEED being about credit intent? How do we speak to humans?
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