We have registered a master site with 3 LEED single-building projects plus a 2-building group. These are all adaptive reuse, LEED-CS v2009 projects. The projects are not under the same GC and have very different schedules.
The site work is under one design team and one contractor,and the implementation will roll out project by project in sequence. There is a parking garage on site that will serve all LEED buildings but is not attached to any and will not be certified itself.
We are planning to submit for a campus design review shortly, which will include SSc1, 2, 4.1, 4.3, 6.1,6.2,7.1, WEc1 and IEQp2; all of which are either "native" to the site (SSc1,2,4.1, 4.3) or can be planned now and implemented for each building.
There are other credits which per the "Guidance" document are allowed to be pursued on a campus basis, that don't work for the master site for this project due to phasing and construction team differences. These we assumed we could pursue on the individual projects (SSc3 and SSc7.2, for example).
But a colleagues mentioned that this was problematic: if we could not pursue a campus-allowed credit on a campus basis, then we forfeited the right to use it for an individual building. A previous comment by Donald Green (Jan 14 2016) also got me worried.
Can someone please straighten me out?
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