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Stormwater Management in a project without pre-existing infrastructure

NC-v4 SSp1: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
posted by Amine Zeidane on Jan 25, 2019, 4:20 am


I'm working on a mixed-use tower construction project in Morocco. 

The site being near a pretty big river that crosses the city, coming from the ocean nearby, the contractor...

Applying MRp2 retrospectively

NC-v4 MRp2: Construction and demolition waste management planning
posted by André Harms on Jan 22, 2019, 5:07 am

A potential LEED project in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, had already begun demolition and some construction activities before a LEED AP was appointed. The extent of the work thus far has been land...

Last reply: Tiffany Beffel, Jan 22, 2019, 3:00 pm


NC-v4 SSc5: Heat Island Reduction
posted by zakir hossain on Jan 2, 2019, 5:46 am

Can i know what  is 3 year aged...

Last reply: Tristan Roberts, Jan 7, 2019, 8:29 am

Optimize energy on Datacenter equipments

NC-v4 EAc2: Optimize Energy Performance
posted by Amine Zeidane on Oct 12, 2018, 11:31 am


An office building project has a small space dedicated to a Datacenter (under 20% of GFA). It was designed to be Tier 3 certified with all the requirements that that entails. (...

Last reply: Marcus Sheffer, Oct 16, 2018, 1:14 pm

Is underground Parking included in Certification fees calculations?

NC-v4 MPR2: Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
posted by Amine Zeidane on Sep 18, 2018, 11:42 am

From a discussion we had in 2016: https://leeduser.buildinggreen.com/forum/loading-dock-and-parking-be-counted-gross-floor-area "In ASHRAE-90.1, the definitions of the various types of enclosed “space” to be included in the gross floor area include the note, “Crawlspaces, attics, and parking garages with natural or mechanical ventilation are not considered enclosed spaces.” Typically garages are deemed "unoccupied" and excluded from LEED GFA for fees. Log in or register to post comments 1 Vote up! ...

Last reply: Deborah Lucking, Sep 19, 2018, 11:36 am

What are the main topics in construction documents that should include LEED requirements?

NC-v4 IPc1: Integrative process
posted by Amine Zeidane on Sep 18, 2018, 11:49 am

This is not the appropriate forum but I am not sure if there is one, probably a general forum. The construction documents should include all of the strategies being installed in the project that contributes to LEED certification, the front end specifications that outline the LEED requirements for the project and what the contractor needs to do, the commissioning requirements, and any other requirements needed to earn a particular LEED credit. In short the CDs should include everything that the contractors will need to know and do to assist the project team in earning the level of LEED certification...

Last reply: Marcus Sheffer, Sep 19, 2018, 9:39 am

Bench marking for Option 2.

EBOM-v4 WEp1: Indoor water use reduction
posted by Tiffany de Klerk on Apr 12, 2018, 2:53 am

Hi, I am quite confused as to how to calculate compliance for Option 2 Metered Water Use. We have the consumption data for 12 months for a building however the calculator is only for Option 1....

Last reply: Shakir Ismail, Jul 4, 2018, 3:18 pm

Warehouse project failed LEED BD+C certification wants to try again

LEED Rating System Selection
posted by Amine Zeidane on Jun 13, 2018, 8:18 am


A Warehouse project failed LEED BD + C certification in 2011 and wants to try again in 2018 with the same Building and for minimum cost.

What are options available ?


Last reply: Paula Melton, Jun 20, 2018, 11:33 am

Data Center Minimum Requirement of 2%

NC-v4 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by Amine Zeidane on Jun 18, 2018, 8:40 am


I'm working on an office building with a DataCenter. The Energy Model shows an energy gain of 1,4 % for the Data Center which doesn't achieve the minimum requirement threshold of 2...

Last reply: Marcus Sheffer, Jun 18, 2018, 2:31 pm

Flush Out for "During Occupancy" Case of a Major Renovation proj

NC-v4 EQc4: Indoor air quality assessment
posted by Shabari Shaily Gerber on Sep 19, 2016, 9:15 am

Our project is an office building undergoing major renovation. The building will remain operational while the renovation is ongoing. The building occupancy will be phased to move the employees...

Last reply: Shabari Shaily Gerber, Apr 24, 2018, 5:14 am