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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

registering after construction starts

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registering after construction starts

March 18, 2011

Guillermo, this should not be a problem from what you have said so far. Fore more information I would check out this forum on Implementing LEED NC on a project that has commenced construction, and post any follow-up questions there.

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Certification Requirement

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Certification Requirement

March 17, 2011

The Reference Guide states that the final step to certification occurs when "certificates of occupancy for buildings...have been issued..." Does this mean that 100% of the buildings must be constructed before a LEED ND certification is awarded?

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GIB prereq 4 for projects registered during stage 2

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GIB prereq 4 for projects registered during stage 2

March 17, 2011

we have a LEED ND project in South Africa, which we registered early this year at Stage 2. Some of the roads and infrastructure have been constructed and at the time of first registering, construction of one building was well under way.

GIBp4 specifically requires that an ESC plan is in place for the entire project. Our project has an EMP (environmental management plan) in place - for the overall precinct as well as the buildings, which conforms with South African environmental legislation. Erosion and sedimentation is dealt with in the EMP, but certainly not to the same detail that the referenced standard requires.

Going forward we are now writing an ESC plan into the EMP for all other buildings and overall further infrastructure development within the precinct, but what ramifications - if any - will there be for our project given that we were not in full compliance with all GIBp4 requirements from the word go?

Many thanks!


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"Confirmation of Agent's Authority" form for a CCD new bldg.

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"Confirmation of Agent's Authority" form for a CCD new bldg.

March 14, 2011

As I am not an attorney, I find this form confusing in cases where the project does not have a clear individual who is the "Owner." The "Owner" is a public educational institution,with ever changing personnel .The subject LEED-NC project is a new building on an existing public community college campus. Here are my questions regarding this form.

1. Since the "Owner" is the "XYZ" Community College District , (aka"the District," ) "Who," may sign this form for "Signature Block of Owner" and do they literally type in "XYZ Community College District ." Then, fill in their "name/title" underneath?
2. IF the District only has one employed individual, representing the District whom we have gotten Registered with the LOL project , does this individual (in this case the Facilities Project Manager,) complete the signature block of Owner as "XYZ Community College District, "and then can he sign his name in the Name/title under that? (and then, he is never an "Agent?" right?)
3. OR , IF he is THE "Agent" [for the Owner]--then is it appropriate for him to sign his name under both "Owner" AND "Agent?" OR, must we get to someone else higher up to Register to the project to complete the signature Block of Owner as the "District?" whoe he signs the "Agent" part of the form ---and if so,who might be acceptable as the "Owner"? The President? Any Board Member? A Chancellor? or is the Director of Facilities acceptable?

4. Amongst the entire design team , from Architect to Engineers to LEED Administrator, to District Facilities Project Manager or Director, Design-Build Contractor, or other design team member or representative, --which of these team members--, must also have a signed "Confirmation of Agent's Authority " in place, as we are all " ...submitting materials, executing documents,..."etc. ?
4a. If we (all team members listed above) are "Agents," do we each need to have this form in place, and can the individual who signed as the original District/Owner's /"Agent" complete/sign these team member's Forms for/as the "Owner" on page 3. ?
4b. OR do we have to have the "higher up" sign all these separate forms as "Owner", and we sign as "Agent"?

5. May we assume if a team member does not actually submit, initial or upload any documents to the LEED Online project, that they do NOT need to have one of these forms signed ?

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Multiple buildings under 1 LEED-NC 2009 project

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Multiple buildings under 1 LEED-NC 2009 project

March 10, 2011

I have a LEED-NC 2009 project that was registered in June 2010 (before the 2010 AGMBC was published). It is a 3-building project on part of a larger campus. The buildings are owned by a municipal government. There is one set of construction drawings, one set of specifications, one architect, and there will be one GC to construct all buildings at the same time. It is basically one project. Information for LEED will not be able to be split out between different buildings (e.g. recycled content, regional materials, etc.). From our standpoint, it does not make sense from a time and cost standpoint to break them out into individual projects. Does each building have to be individually registered with a campus (under a Block), or can all buildings be under one project registration?

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LEED Certifications for Multiple Buildings

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

LEED Certifications for Multiple Buildings

March 8, 2011

We have two buildings to be certified; one new and one existing. What are the requirements for these to be evaluated as one building for the LEED certifications?

HVAC chillers etc. will be located at the existing building and chill water lines will run between two buildings. Both buildings will have separate AHU's.

Both buildings have same postal address and in the same plot of land.

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Appeal documentation

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Appeal documentation

March 8, 2011

We submitted two appeals last year for EA P2 and meet the GBCI on the Green-built to discuss the appeal process. They were very helpful and understanding. The GBCI advised us to submit all prior submissions and a complete set of the appeal submission including the LEED online forms. If they have everything and it turns out that you have been denied the credit or prerequisite in error during the regular review process, they then might refund your money for the appeal. Also they might find errors in the prior reviews and allow you to claim savings for something, which you had in your calcs but did not claim in the final review, because of a review comment. Also keep in mind that this is a new person looking at your documentation. Also we have use a spreadsheet to show every comment it's reply and the clarifications as well as documentation related to the comment. We also highlighted the data in question or changes from one review to another to make it easier for them.

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PIf4-mechanical schedule

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PIf4-mechanical schedule

March 7, 2011

what is meant pi L3-mechanical schedule.
where can i find filled project information forms(1-4)


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March 7, 2011

DSIRE is the best nationwide resource on incentives like this. I would start there.

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rating system selection forum

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rating system selection forum

March 4, 2011

Michelle, only LEED for Existing Buildings requires recertification, and that's required within 5 years, not 1.
For the other question, can you post it to our rating system selection forum? It will get more feedback there.

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