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Age and FTE

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Calculating FTEs

Age and FTE

March 2, 2011

We are working on a childcare center. How old does a child have to be to count as an FTE? Many of the children at the center will be infants who cannot ride bikes or use water fixtures.


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USGBC's New LEED Interpretations Similar to Old Precedent-Setting CIRs

Update: The LEED Interpretations database was moved and relaunched in April 2013. Its new location is Update: The LEED Interpretations database was upgraded in Oct. 2011.

Today USGBC launched its long-awaited LEED Interpretations process and database. LEED Interpretations are like project-specific CIRs, but unlike those Credit Interpretation Rulings, they can be applied to multiple projects. They are published in a searchable, online database, and unlike CIRs which are made by GBCI review teams, LEED Interpretations receive scrutiny from USGBC staff and technical committees. Project-specific CIRs are still available for $220, while LEED Interpretations can be requested for an additional fee of $180 (or an additional $380 for non-USGBC members).

Since the launch of 2009, LEED project teams with a unique situation or a question not answered by existing LEED resources have had access to CIR. Those CIRs have been limited: they aren't public, so other projects can't learn from them, and they can't even be referenced as a precedent on another project by the same team.

USGBC has heard complaints about this, but it has been in a difficult situation. With the growth of LEED and its splitting off of GBCI as the LEED certification body, USGBC needed to ensure that only CIRs truly deserving of influencing the LEED standards would do so. Since conceiving of the LEED Interpretations process in 2010, it has been working hard to make it a reality.

Here are some useful links:

Noteworthy features of the launch include the following.

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  • Site is labeled as "Beta." Cara Mae Cirignano, a LEED specialist at USGBC, told me that this is being considered a "soft launch" of the feature. She said there are a lot of iimprovements to be made with the database and inquiry mechanism, and USGBC wants to solicit comments on the process itself through a survey. (If you have feedback or thoughts you want to share, also feel free to leave a comment below.)
  • Addenda and Interpretations rolled together. The LEED Interpretations database also includes LEED addenda. Addenda will still be used for grammatical and other clarifications to rating systems and Reference Guides, but it should be an improvement to be able to find both addenda and interpretations in one place. (I still find the old addenda table PDFs, which are still available, a faster reference—or better yet, LEEDuser's summary reviews—but this feature is great and we'll see how it evolves.)
  • Applicability noted. For each Interpretation, its applicability to specific LEED rating systems (and those that it is NOT appliable to) is noted.
  • Quarterly schedule. LEED Interpretations, along with addenda, will be published quarterly (unlike old CIRs which came out unpredictably). LEED projects are required to follow interpretations issued prior to their registration date, but only encouraged to follow items posted after their registration date.
  • Timeline. CIRs have a 3–4 week response time, while LEED Interpretations will have a 3–6 month response time. A team could get a CIR fairly quickly for immediate project impact, and also request an Interpretation for longer-term use.
  • Interpretations and CIRs may contradict. Because of the rigorous review of LEED Interpretations, USGBC acknowledges that a LEED Interpretation may in rare conditions contradict a CIR. Teams receiving contradictory rulings may use either on the specific project involved. I think of this as the difference between a referee of a sports match issuing a penalty while the game is in session, while the sports league may reverse the penalty later, after the game is completed. The penalty/CIR metaphor doesn't quite hold up, but football fans should get the idea.
  • Appeals. A LEED Interpretation may be appealed at no charge.
  • What's in there now? There is one new LEED Interpretation in the database so far (it's about IDc2, and LEEDuser reported on it two weeks ago). All other Interpretations in the database are existing historic CIRs that have been allowed for LEED 2009 projects. Project CIRs that were requested prior to the start of the LEED Interpretations program have already been or will be reviewed for their applicability as a LEED Interpretation. Project CIR requests submitted from approximately July 2009 to June 2010 that were determined to be precedent-setting will be summarized and included in the database in the second quarterly posting, due May 2011. Those Project CIRs that were received after June 2010 will continue to be reviewed by UGSBC and posted in the database in the third quarterly posting, due approximately July 2011.

The LEEDuser team with our guest experts will continue to review noteworthy database additions as they come out, and will keep our members apprised through our email newsletter.

What are your thoughts? Please comment below.

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Forum discussion

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February 28, 2011

Jean, in answering this question it would help to know what it is about. Is this about rating system selection, MPR compliance, an EAc1 issue, or something else?
If it's one of the first two, we have existing forum threads where I'd prefer to have you post it. You can find links to them near the top of this page.

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GIB Credit 7 Minimize Site Disturbance

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GIB Credit 7 Minimize Site Disturbance

February 27, 2011

Project site includes upen space that is undeveloped but previously "disturbed" in that it is a turf field (no trees or native plants). Developer proposes to build on this land. How do we classify this land for the purposes of calculating our "undisturbed" area?

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SLL Credit 3 Reduced Auto Dependence

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SLL Credit 3 Reduced Auto Dependence

February 26, 2011

Requirements emphasize "existing" transit service. I assume that new transit service is negotiated as part of the project plan will also count. Please confirm.

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SLL Prereq 1

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SLL Prereq 1

February 26, 2011

I'm working on a predeveloped 95 acre site at the end of a peninsula. One drives through and existing residential neighborhood that does not have many diverse uses. The existing site was a hospital campus that will be redeveloped into mixed use. the majority of "diverse uses" will be developed on this site. Can we count the "diverse uses" entirely within our site? I assume that all of the diverse uses will have to be built and C of O's issued to get certification.

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Airport visitors FTEs

Forum discussion

Calculating FTEs

Airport visitors FTEs

February 25, 2011

I am trying to calculate the transient visitors FTE, we used the flight schedule to estimate total daily visitors/travelers. When calculate the FTEs, should i base it on hours of operations, and divide it by 16, or divide it by 8 like you would normally with FTE calcs. Please advise!!!

thanks for your help,


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LEED NC/MR for existing multiple buildings

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

LEED NC/MR for existing multiple buildings

February 24, 2011

We are interested in getting LEED NC/MR for a major interior renovation project in six identical three story tall apartment buildings on a single site. I read somewhere that the buildings have to be at least four stories tall to be eligible. Is there any validity to this? Thank you!

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MPRs on small adjacent buildings

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MPRs on small adjacent buildings

February 23, 2011

Guido, I would recommend that you read the LEED Minimum Program Requirements supplemental guidance document—look at page 19 specifically. Let us know your thoughts then.

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For my Non US projec the RPs

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For my Non US projec the RPs

February 23, 2011

For my Non US projec the RPs show up under the "Add or Remove" credit tab, but on my scorecard they do not show up and I do not get the extra point. Any idea on what to do in order to get the scorecard to reflect this? Do I need to write to GBCI?

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