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specific mechanical drawings for PI4?

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specific mechanical drawings for PI4?

April 4, 2011

Does anyone know specifically which "mechanical" drawings GBCI is looking for here? We have 26 drawings just for mechanical (not including electrical or plumbing). I assume they don't want all 26...

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"photos with captions" requirement on PIf4

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"photos with captions" requirement on PIf4

April 4, 2011

Project Info Form 4 asks for uploads of building photos "with captions". Is a descriptive file name sufficient, or must the photos be inserted in a document that allows for actual captions next to the photos?? Example, "building_exterior.jpg" vs. a word doc with photo and text "building exterior". Thanks!

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April 1, 2011


I received an email about this webcast and am interested, however there is no link to register. Is this only open to upgraded membership holders?


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Phased Project Rating System Selection- NC or CI/ CS

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Phased Project Rating System Selection- NC or CI/ CS

April 1, 2011

I need to determine which rating system to use for a project where the client owns the whole building and is planning to renovate different floors in separate phases over four years. I've reviewed the definitions, but it's still unclear whether or not USGBC has rules about this type of phasing of an existing building. Eventually 100% of the building will be renovated, including a new entrance thereby affecting the ext. envelope, and MEP systems, but each phase will account for less than 40% of the gross area of the entire building. Is it possible to register as a CI project? Would it need be 4 different certifications or can it be lumped into one?

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licensed professional exemption

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licensed professional exemption

March 28, 2011

Robert, I am not sure if this is normal or not. I would get GBCI's help via the feedback button on LEED Online.

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performance period start date

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performance period start date

March 28, 2011

Hi, there are not other credits that would require this, no.

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Tenant Lease and Sales Agreement x Design Review

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Tenant Lease and Sales Agreement x Design Review

March 23, 2011

Normally we send documents to Design Review before the project be sold in part or entirely by the Owner. Whereas Appendix 4 asks that the Tenant Lease and Sales Agreement must be signed by the Owner and Tenant, my questions are:

1 - It is necessary that all spaces are sold or leased, and all the Tenant Lease and Sales Agreement signed before that the project to be sent for review?

2 - In most projects, the spaces are sold by the Owner to investors who will then resell or rent these spaces. Tenant Lease and Sales Agreement should be signed by the investor who bought the spaces of the Owner or by who will actually occupy the space?

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Supplemental Documents

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Supplemental Documents

March 22, 2011

If your normal process was to generate letter size documents for the project, then I don't see why GBCI would need to have them changed to another format.

Legibility and usability will be the key for any submission. I'd like to believe that the GBCI won't be printing things out if they don't have to, so the size and format of the documents probably isn't as important compared to usability of the information.

If you are referring to a document that you are making solely for LEED upload purposes, then as long as it conveys the needed information it will be fine.

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Usage and days of operation

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Usage and days of operation

March 21, 2011

Christopher, I have the same problem, were you able to fix it?

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SLL Prerequisite 3 HELP!!!

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SLL Prerequisite 3 HELP!!!

March 21, 2011

I have a lot of trouble with that prerequisite. Our project is in Canada and there is water everywhere here!!! First, we have a little water body in border of the road near our project. It is a kind of ditch. How to know if it is a water body to be consider? The metodology is well documented for wetland, but for water bodies, nothing. Secondly, we have wetlands into our
boundary. The local authorities permitted us to do any impacts on wetland but asked us a compensatory mitigation outside of the site. Is it "OK" for LEED ND?

Thank you.

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