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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Daily Average Building Occupants for WEc3

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Calculating FTEs

Daily Average Building Occupants for WEc3

June 6, 2011

How would you calculate your Daily Average Occupancy (for transients)? After showing our calcs for FTEs and Peak users, we received a review comment stating "It is unclear if the daily average building occupants have been included in the calculations for this credit, as the provided calculations describe the peak building users." TECHNICAL ADVICE: "Revise the calculations to include the daily average building occupants."

We have our FTEs nailed down, but per the owner we will have 50 people for 2 meetings per month with each lasting approximately 2 hours each and 25 students for 2 classes per week with each lasting appox. 2 hours. How would you calc each of these? I have asked under the WEc3 credit without any luck.

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Simple Tips on Defining a Project Boundary

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Simple Tips on Defining a Project Boundary

June 2, 2011

I am curious about the dos and don'ts of defining a project boundary for our whole bulding LEED NC v3 project. The existing building will double in size to 9600 sq ft and is surrounded by a busy port terminal area comprized of two parcels (ea about 8 acres). Our project bridges the two parcels of vast asphalt. The project will include redoing two street entrances, the streetside sidewalk between them, adding property front landscape, and trenching to a near by emergency generator for emergency power. Is it too simplistic to think that we can define our project boundary as being bounded by the street front curb inclusive of the two street entrances, and then simply creating the smallest boundary we can that includes the outside edges of the building, the generator, and the parking stalls?

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June 1, 2011

LEED for New Construction would be used for both the hotel and the residential units assuming it is more than seven stories of residential. They use the same rating system so I don't think you have a good reason to split them into two LEED projects.
USGBC typically follows the 40 / 60 rule for determining project certification. If 60% of the project SF falls into one category then that rating system should be used. It is ultimately up to the project team to make the case for the chosen rating system.
My suggestions would be to calculate out the different “types” of SF in the building. If any “type” is equal or greater than 60%, I would use the rating system. If there is not a clear winner in what category of LEED to use, I would look into submitting a CIR.

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LEED-HEALTH CARE registration

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LEED-HEALTH CARE registration

May 25, 2011

We have a psychiatric hospital project in UAE intending to get certified under LEED for Health Care. As we now see from USGBC website that LEED-HC V2009 is released although there are still certain credits under the pilot category.
Please suggest the likeliness of using LEED-NC or LEED HC for the project.

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contact GBCI

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contact GBCI

May 25, 2011

Is this for LEED registration or certification via LEED Online? Please use the "feedback" link on LEEDOnline.com to contact GBCI for help with this.

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Accumulating Annexes in multi

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

Accumulating Annexes in multi

May 24, 2011

The credits seem to be accumulating annexes, for example, after uploading an annex in the templates for the SS 4.1 credit, it appears later in the following credits as an upload, even for templates in the WE credits. As a result, my templates in the WE credits have over 10 uploads! What is the solution for this situation or what may I be doing wrong?

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HELP: 3 connected buildings-single certification

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

HELP: 3 connected buildings-single certification

May 20, 2011


I currently have a project which consists of a 10-story building with 2 adjacent buildings. one with a single story and the other one with 2. They are all connected with bridges. These 3 buildings are found on a single site, have the same owner and management (ITESM University), and will share systems. My question would be whether if they can be treated as a single project under the same registration and rating. Since the USGBC is yet to release the AGMBC part 2, this is not clear to me. Help, please!

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May 20, 2011

Emma, this is a LEED-EBOM project? I don't see how registration is an issue. Are you worried about performance period timing?

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GIBc8—Stormwater Management

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GIBc8—Stormwater Management

May 19, 2011

The credit requires "the percentile rainfall event is the total rainfall on a given day in the record that is greater than or equal to X percent of all rainfall events over a 20-to 40+-year period". Can anybody explain to me what this means?


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LEED - H compared to LEED - NC

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LEED for Homes (LEED-H) Forum

LEED - H compared to LEED - NC

May 18, 2011

Tristan-Have you ever seen a formal comparison done between Homes and New Construction (2009)? We're trying to determine if a low-rise multifamily project is better off certifying under Homes or NC -- in terms of cost only. We'd like the client to maximize the green opportunities compared to the relative costs (bang for the buck). Any thoughts? Something recent would be great. Thanks.

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