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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Default efficiency of 4.4 COP for Option 2

Forum discussion

General forums

Default efficiency of 4.4 COP for Option 2

November 4, 2012


I would like to do the energy modelling using option2 to achieve maximum points. In this case, base case will be modelled with Packaged Terminal Air conditioner (As the residential building). For proposed case i would like to use the default efficiency of 4.4 COP to evaluate chilled water cost based on the utility rate. Please confirm whether using default efficiency of 4.4 COP instead of virtual plant average efficiency will be accepted?

Other query is if i am modeling using option1, then 4 pipe fan coil needs to be modeled for base case. In this case the whether the fan power could be modeled with 0.00094 bhp/cfm as per Ashrae table G3.1.2.9.

Ramesh Narayanan

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Calculating FTE

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Calculating FTEs

Calculating FTE

October 26, 2012

I've reviewed several reference guides and I've just gotten myself more confused regarding calculating FTE's. I have a Fire Station that operates with three 8-hour shifts with 14 firefighters each. I've found conflicting information as to whether I have
14 FTE occupants -or-
14*3=42 FTE's -or-
14p*3shifts*8hrs*7days/40hrs = 58.5 FTE since it is a 7 day/week operation?
Can you please clarify?

Also, if the only transients are occasional cub scouts or other tour groups of 10+/- children that may happen once or twice a year (for about an hour on-site), are they to be included in the transients even though they are not "regularly occurring" (to use the LEED language on the form). If you calculate this on an average basis, it works out to a tiny fraction of a FTE user.

Lastly, what's the difference on the Plf3 form between "Total Building Users as a daily average" and FTE occupants? They seem like the same definition to me although maybe we don't include Transients in FTE??

Sorry if these are dumb questions but it's gotten me very confused.

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LEED-ND forums and credit language

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General forums

LEED-ND forums and credit language

October 22, 2012

Hello LEED-ND users!
LEEDuser now has integrated LEED-ND into our site, with credit language posted for each credit and prereq, and more specific forums. Over time we plan to add additional resources such as sample documents.
Please visit our LEED-ND credit and forum pages to post your LEED-ND questions! And thanks for making this forum such a happening place over the last year!

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Exception for NPDp3

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General forums

Exception for NPDp3

October 22, 2012

Our project boundary encompasses two blocks with a through-street dividing them (just like fig.12b on page 28 of LEED ND Ref. Guide). Based on project's net area the two intersecctions inside LEED boundary are enough to meet 140 inters per sq.mile requirement. However, surrounding neighborhood is composed by large blocks (1078ft X 420ft average) and we aren't able to meet the other part of prerequisite "one through-street intersecting or terminating at the project boundary every 800ft." I wonder if my case falls under exception described on page 179 "If a project shares a boundary with a previously developed parcel that does not have a through-street every 800ft, an exemption is allowed: The project does not need to provide a through connection because no connection can be made" once adopting surrounding streets will not solve our problem and the area within 1/2mile is completely developed with buldings on it (including our project site).

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School Campus Registration

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

School Campus Registration

October 18, 2012

I am working on a School Academy using the NC2009 for School & 2010 AGMBC guidelines. The campus consists of 5 main buildings and 1 FM building and1 Energy centre. I was wondering whether we could register the FM and energy centre buildings to be LEED Certify. Please advise.

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How many times can the appeal be submitted?

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

How many times can the appeal be submitted?

October 10, 2012

As of my understanding, appeals can be submitted as many times as the project team wishes. Is this true?

I mean, if an appeal on a certain credit has been denied by GBCI, is it possible to re-submit another appeal on the same specific credit?

Please, clarify!

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FTE Calculation for Theater

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Calculating FTEs

FTE Calculation for Theater

October 9, 2012

We are calculating FTE for a Theater .
We have:
20 Full-time employees
8 Part-time employees that only work in function day
474 viewers ( Transients)
20-30 Actors

We dont know how to calculate.

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5ft-tall shrubs along boundary. Gated?

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General forums

5ft-tall shrubs along boundary. Gated?

October 8, 2012

Along the project boundary perimeter, where streets or non-motorized-rights-of-way do not intercept, there are some vegetation. he developers are planning to grow 5ft-tall shrubs in this areas, what would apparently configure it as green-walls, or green barriers along boundary. However, it does not preclude streets and sidewalks to cross project boundary and continue through it. Streets will not be closed at any time and credits requirements about streets/non-motorized-way crossing ou terminating at the project boundary every 800ft will be met.
My point is: would this cenario configure a gated-area?

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Calculating FTE

Forum discussion

Calculating FTEs

Calculating FTE

October 8, 2012

We are pursuing LEED NC 2009. Our project is a Data center office building which will be operated 24 hours, 365 days per year, with No transients, visitors or residents in the building. The shift work is distributed as following:
From Monday to Friday:
8:00am - 3:00pm 25 persons
9:30am - 7:00pm 19 persons
11:00am - 6:00pm 7 persons
3:00pm - 10:00pm 23 persons
10:00pm - 8:00am 14 persons

Saturdays - Sundays and Holidays:
10:00am - 10:00pm 15 persons
10:00pm - 10:00am 15 persons

How do we determine FTE and daily occupancy this in this case? Can someone help me in this calculation?
Thanks a lot!

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Letters to Material Suppliers & others

Forum discussion

LEED for Homes (LEED-H) Forum

Letters to Material Suppliers & others

October 4, 2012

Dear Tristan,
We are building a three story multi family structure, that we are working wiht a LEED provider, Davis Energy Group to achieve a PLeLEED Platinum rating. We need to send letters out to suppliers to alert them to our need for recycled, sustainably produced, products in construction. Can you direct me (a member of LEED user) to a source for some sample letters to get us started? Thanks!


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