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NC Innovation credits from EBOM, design or construction review?

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

NC Innovation credits from EBOM, design or construction review?

December 10, 2012

If an ID credit is first submitted during preliminary review for design credits and the reviewer's comments require client input that will take longer than 25 (working) days for us to document can these ID credits be resubmitted during construction credit review instead of final design credit review?
The ID credits in question are taken from EBOM so their implementation would be after both design and construction.
Or, if we have to resubmit the credits for final design review and they are not approved can we submit them again during construction review with additional documentation from the client?

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leed online v3 user interface

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leed online v3 user interface

December 9, 2012

i can not make the leed online interface show normalyy - all text is alligned to the right side of the screen.
I am working with a left to right interface (for hebrew language) i have downgraded my browser to explorer v8 and my OS from winsows 7 64 bit. to windows xp but still no change.
any ideas ?

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LEED for Homes International Pilot - Lima, Perú

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LEED for Homes (LEED-H) Forum

LEED for Homes International Pilot - Lima, Perú

December 7, 2012

Dear LEED User Readers,

Please receive our warmest greetings. We are Ibrid, a Peruvian service company that provides comprehensive resources and tools for sustainable design and construction for commercial, corporate and residential buildings. We provides a comprehensive range of services including initial diagnosis of buildings, implementation reports, LEED ® certification process, green products, energy modelling and audits, and sustainable design and construction.

We are evaluating the possibility of implementing the LEED for Homes International Pilot rating system for a residential project here in the city of Lima, Perú.

Our projects consists of remodeling an existing brick and wood structure located in a low-rise residential area. The current project area is 5,800 sq. ft approx. and it will be 7,100 sq. ft. approx. after the project is completed. We will be using concrete as our main structural material and drywall for all interior partitions and non-baring walls.

The project team has already taken into consideration most of the LEED credit categories, and both the studio and client are committed to building an entirely green home. We are implementing technologies such as photovoltaic panels, graywater reuse system, automatization for all lighting and electrical systems, between others.

We would like you assessment on the feasibility of the project and if there are any other project requirements for us to be aware before applying for the LEED for Homes International Pilot rating system

Looking forward on your thoughts,

Best Regards,


Francesca Mayer, LEED Green Associate

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Substantial Completion......?

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Substantial Completion......?

December 7, 2012

I am working on a large manufacturing project aiming for LEED Silver. The project is being completed by area and COs will be issued for each area. Areas are defined by particular processes that will be performed in that area during the manufacturing process upon completion.

My question is, what in this case, is substantial completion? Would it be after the final CO is issued, can it be a judgement call from the design team? In this case, what constitutes substantial completion and when the 24month clock begins to tick?

Thanks for the help guys!

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EAP2 & IEQp1 Denied - Appeal or clarify credit or modify design?

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

EAP2 & IEQp1 Denied - Appeal or clarify credit or modify design?

December 4, 2012

1. Our Design Final Review response denied both EAp2 & IEQp1.

EAp2 had 9 comments (including 2 new issues that were not addressed in the first round of review), which generally address modeling errors and request for more information about the systems being used. The energy model is being revised and the requested data will be provided for the appeal review of this prerequisite.

The second prerequisite, IEQp1, came with two comments, which in general advise us to provide airflow simulation calculations for naturally ventilated spaces. After analyzing with both the mechanical engineer and the contractor, we decided that it was best for the project certification to include exhaust fans for satisfying the prerequisite requirements, which means adjusting the original design.

Still, do we have to appeal (pay) the review for both credits, as we are not challenging the review team’s final response, but incorporating their suggestions into the energy model analysis and the IAQ design?

2. The project is about to be substantially completed and we’ll soon start uploading data for the Construction Review. Does anyone recommend entering Appeal Design Review before or after Construction Review? Can we work on Construction Review credits simultaneously with the Design Appeal being under review?

Thank you for your help

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Lots of different solutions and alternatives to LEED Online

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

Lots of different solutions and alternatives to LEED Online

December 3, 2012

Although it has not been mentioned on LEEDUser before, there are now a number of online tools to assist the design and construction community with their LEED projects. Most importantly, one can work offline in these programs and then synch with LEED Online to upload all of the needed information. These LEED Automation Partners (http://new.usgbc.name/apps/) have done this, in part, to create a better interface and workflow for projects seeking LEED certification. The companies that have been working on this the longest are LoraxPro, Greengrade and GreenWizard (Disclaimer: I work with GreenWizard). All of these platforms support the usual day to day activities of having to work with LEED Online, except allowing users to work in an environment that is quicker, more efficient, and less prone to bugs. In addition, GreenWizard has the added benefit of being a Product Management Workflow, so in addition to allowing teams to work offline, it has a workflow and materials database oriented around LEED to make product discovery, modeling, documentation, and submission of the products/projects that much easier. I highly encourage the reader's here to research these solutions as these tools are specifically designed to reduce the 'quirks, bugs, and hiccups associated with LEED Online'.

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Can Green rater and LEED for Home AP from one same company

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LEED for Homes (LEED-H) Forum

Can Green rater and LEED for Home AP from one same company

December 3, 2012

Is it allowed by LEED or green rater have to sign something like interest confict statement?

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Response to Preliminary Design Review

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Response to Preliminary Design Review

November 28, 2012

We are in the process of responding to the reviewer’s comments in our preliminary design review by adding our comments to the Special Circumstances text box as suggested in another thread on this board. But, I cannot find where on LEED Online I can submit our responses to the preliminary review. In the Timeline I only see an option of submit our Final Review. I feel like I am missing something pretty simple here. Where is the “submit responses to preliminary review” button? Will the reviewer automatically look for our comments at the end of our 25 day response time? Or, is our response to the preliminary review the same thing as submitting for the final review? The LEED Certification Policy Manual is not very clear about this and makes it seem as if the Response to Preliminary Design Review and Final Design Review are two separate submittals.

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File Uploads

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

File Uploads

November 28, 2012

I have a problem in uploading files of Credits on Leed , I Browse files and then nothing changes when i try to upload files and i have to, Urgently .... can anyone help me ?

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Forum discussion

LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more


November 27, 2012

Can anyone tell me what the difference is between leedonline.com vs leedonline.usgbc.org?

I have had several team members, understandably, become confused between the two sites. There really doesn't seem to be good explanation between the two sites. I have always used leedonline.com and the later address of usgbc.org doesn't have the projects linked to it, so why ever use it?

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