I've reviewed several reference guides and I've just gotten myself more confused regarding calculating FTE's. I have a Fire Station that operates with three 8-hour shifts with 14 firefighters each. I've found conflicting information as to whether I have
14 FTE occupants -or-
14*3=42 FTE's -or-
14p*3shifts*8hrs*7days/40hrs = 58.5 FTE since it is a 7 day/week operation?
Can you please clarify?

Also, if the only transients are occasional cub scouts or other tour groups of 10+/- children that may happen once or twice a year (for about an hour on-site), are they to be included in the transients even though they are not "regularly occurring" (to use the LEED language on the form). If you calculate this on an average basis, it works out to a tiny fraction of a FTE user.

Lastly, what's the difference on the Plf3 form between "Total Building Users as a daily average" and FTE occupants? They seem like the same definition to me although maybe we don't include Transients in FTE??

Sorry if these are dumb questions but it's gotten me very confused.