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Treatment Requirements

NC-v4 SSc4: Rainwater management
posted by Annie Levan on May 14, 2018, 6:23 pm


Can someone please clarify the treatment requirements for various storm water strategies? A few example strategies are as followed:

1. Bio...

Air Intake Minimum Separation Distance- dock

CS-2009 IEQp1: Minimum indoor air quality performance
posted by John Smith on May 15, 2018, 3:10 pm

Dear all,

We are working on a large commercial distribution center project where the use of natural ventilation in the warehouse areas is essential. The project has a large building (480 m...

factory oiled solid wooden boards

NC-2009 IEQc4.3: Low-emitting materials - flooring systems
posted by Agnieszka Rylska on May 17, 2018, 7:14 am


I have the floor made of factory oiled solid wooden boards. I assume that documents which I am supposed to submit for these material are: the statement from the manufacturer that...

General Emissions Evaluation for installation products

Schools-EBOM-v4 EQc1: Indoor air quality management program
posted by Sara Axon on May 17, 2018, 10:51 am

For installation of millwork, our installer uses basic items:  liquid nail,...

Enhanced Commissioning

CI-v4 EAc1: Enhanced Commissioning
posted by Lance Barron on May 17, 2018, 6:10 pm

Is building envelope...

How to fill out the Credit form for IEQc5 for a 100% outdoor air system that does not require OA monitoring?

NC-2009 IEQc1: Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring
posted by Nishank Shah on May 21, 2018, 1:34 pm

I have a 100% OA ERU that operates constantly on an occupancy schedule. There is no Outdoor airflow monitoring device on the unit and no...

Meal program and workers

Calculating FTEs
posted by Emily Neal on May 23, 2018, 5:46 pm

Not sure how to best explain this so Im hoping if I give you the data, someone can help guide me in how im supposed to calculate this...

Our building has a meal program that serves...

Is there a stormwater management sample document/template for LEED v4?

CS-v4 SSc4: Rainwater management
posted by Qidi Jiang on May 25, 2018, 4:10 am

I noticed that the sample document provided in the documentation toolkit is applicable to LEED v2009, and not sample document for LEED v4 is available. 

Excluding adjacent park from LEED Boundary

NC-v4 MPR2: Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
posted by Chad Thurlow on May 30, 2018, 11:43 am


I dealing with a project where an adjacent park mostly made of turf grass is being installed beside the building going for certification. Both the building and the park are owned by...

Exterior Noise Monitoring- Rural Roads

Schools-NC-v4 EQp3: Minimum acoustic performance
posted by Leanne Conrad on May 30, 2018, 1:55 pm

In building a rural school, our address is technically a...