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Forum » NC-v4 LTc7

Baseline parking for a DATACENTER

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Marion THIBAULT on Jun 23, 2020, 12:10 pm

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a DATACENTER project, and I can't find the baseline parking capacity for this type of building. It is not included in the "TABLE 1 - Base Ratios for parking...

Local code requirements higher than Parking Consultants Council

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Ricardo Sá on Apr 23, 2020, 10:13 am

Hi Ricardo, there are a couple previous discussions of this: https://leeduser.buildinggreen.com/forum/local-minimum-requirements-vs-parking-required-leed https://leeduser.buildinggreen.com/forum/confused-minimum-code-requirement-maximum-allowable-parking Log in or register to post comments 0 Vote up! Thanks Emily! Log in or register to post comments 0 Vote up! ...

Last reply: Ricardo Sá, Apr 23, 2020, 12:42 pm

LTc7 in a campus project

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Instra Ingenieros on Apr 20, 2020, 7:34 am

Hi all, We are working on a building that will be in a master site previously LEED certified under a campus appoach. The previous building is certified under NC Warehouse, in the master site...

Visitor & handicap Parking Spots when calculating provided parking.

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Jason Garvens on Sep 9, 2019, 3:41 pm

Can a project exclude dedicated visitor and handicap parking spots for purposes of calculating total provided capacity?

If the Green Vehicles credit is also pursued could the dedicated EV...

Last reply: David Posada, Sep 10, 2019, 8:47 pm

LTc7- Reduce parking footprint- examplary performance

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Maria Peralta on Jul 3, 2019, 10:27 am


I got a question regarding the credit LTc7.The project wich I am working with, doesnt have a parking, so, at is says in the leed guide "Projects with no associated off-street...

Last reply: Bipin Karki, Jul 18, 2019, 8:18 am

Local Minimum Requirements vs Parking Required by LEED

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Diana Smiciklas on Apr 24, 2019, 1:43 pm

Hello there,

I have two questions:

1. The credit requires that the number of parking spaces be less than minimum code requirements. However, if let's say 89 spots (which is what...

Last reply: Emily Purcell, Apr 24, 2019, 4:17 pm

Fire Station minimum parking?

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Erin Holdenried on Aug 23, 2018, 5:44 pm

Looking for suggestions on how to determine the parking ratio for a Fire Station.  There doesn't seem to be any use within the Base Ratios Table that align with a Fire Station.

Last reply: Erica Downs, Mar 19, 2019, 1:49 pm

Project on existing campus with existing parking campus wide

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Lou Niles II on Mar 13, 2019, 4:55 pm

Hello We have an NC project on an existing campus. Campus Recreation Center. The project itself only has a small parking lot although daily visitors could be in the hundreds the parking is mainly...

Last reply: Catalyst Partners, Mar 13, 2019, 5:18 pm

Which percentile to use from ITE Tables?

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Erica Downs on Feb 5, 2019, 10:11 am

The v4 reference guide refers users to the ITE 3rd Ed. Tables 18-2 through 18-4.  The tables have parking generation rates for "33rd percentile", "average", and "85th percentile".  How do we know...

Preferred Parking- Definition

NC-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint
posted by Priya Venkat on Jan 31, 2019, 5:36 am

For a group project, with 2 distinct car parking area in site, should we provide preferred parking spaces for each building? Or, should we provide preferred parking in each parking area?
