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Forum » Pilot-Credits INpc155

Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Rihab Joucht on Sep 25, 2024, 4:07 pm

Hello everyone!

I'm pursuing this pilot credit for a LEED v4 NC warehouse building and office. Any tips to share ?

Pilot INpc155 and DoD construction

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Alison Kerr on Aug 1, 2024, 12:03 pm

This pilot credit is our first go-to in our office because we work on DoD projects, and the requirements are already covered under UFCs. No design impact.

Pilot Credit INpc155

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Roxanne Button on Jul 12, 2021, 4:13 pm

Has anyone attempted this Pilot Credit yet?  Our project is a college science building which was under construction during the COVID-19 shutdown, and already incoporates most of the requirements...

Last reply: Michelle Halle Stern, Jun 21, 2024, 10:53 am

O&M and Cx Plans as submittal requirements

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Maureen Drullard on Jul 22, 2022, 3:04 pm

I'm curious what folks think about the submittal requirement to provide...

Last reply: Michel Quintanilla, Apr 30, 2024, 4:19 pm

Air Change Requirement

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Nina Szewczak on Jan 4, 2023, 11:34 am

Can anyone comment on the source of the #1.c requirement for five air changes per hour? We've reviewed HVAC-related infection control guidance from the CDC, EPA and ASHRAE, but none appear to...

Last reply: Bruna Kevellyn, Apr 20, 2024, 6:01 pm

Equal to achieving v4.1 EQp Min IAQ and EQc Enhanced IAQ, Strategy 3- Filtration

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Michelle Bombeck on May 4, 2023, 5:16 pm

Our v4.1 CI project pursued this credit as it aligned with the indoor air quality requirements and programming for our space (healthcare). Because we're already required to achieve ASHRAE 62.1-...

Last reply: Helen Kessler, Dec 12, 2023, 10:36 pm

Safety First & WELL Health + Safety Crossover

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Patti MacKenzie on Dec 20, 2021, 2:22 pm

We are attempting INpc155 on a v4.1 CI project, we are also planning to obtain the WELL H+S rating so this credit was an easy crossover for us. So glad to see this connection happening between...

Last reply: Jose Garcia, Oct 17, 2022, 7:36 am

Registration to Pilot-Credit INpc155

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Vassil Vassilev on May 12, 2022, 2:40 am


There is a problem when attempting for a Registration to this Pilot-Credit.

It is as follows: When pressing the option Register for the Pilot Credit, for the Select...

Last reply: Kristina K, May 12, 2022, 8:46 am

Commissioning Plans referenced within Submittals- full plans required?

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Shannon Oletic on Jan 11, 2022, 12:35 pm

Hi all, 

The submittals section of this pilot credit asks that copies of the Facilities Requirements and O+M Plan and...

Last reply: Dave Hubka, Apr 22, 2022, 10:08 am

If filtration requirement (#1b) is met, is it necessary to provide calculations for #1c?

Pilot-Credits INpc155: Design for Indoor Air Quality and Infection Control
posted by Irene García Sáez on Dec 23, 2021, 3:34 pm

Hi everyone! I'm pursuing this pilot credit for a LEED v4 NC office building. The ventilation system and equipment have been carefully designed, so the ventilation rates are above the minimum...

Last reply: Kristina K, Apr 5, 2022, 4:00 pm