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Exterior concrete curing compound

NC-v4 EQc2: Low-emitting materials
posted by akshaya bhaskar on Mar 27, 2024, 12:40 pm

we are working on a project under LEEED V4 BD&C, does the exterior concrete curing compound (to be used on the exterior slabs) need to meet the...

Last reply: akshaya bhaskar, Mar 27, 2024, 1:56 pm

City Potable Water Analysis Reports

NC-v4 WEc3: Cooling tower water use
posted by Saif Abdulameer on Apr 11, 2018, 10:54 am

Can I use the potable water analysis reports from the city utility to calculate the cycles?

Last reply: Jason Packer, Mar 27, 2024, 11:57 am

Are you using Environmental Materials Reporting Forms for the contractors?

NC-v4 MRc2: Building product disclosure and optimization - environmental product declarations
posted by Courtney Royal on Oct 28, 2020, 2:05 pm

In previous versions of LEED, we used Environmental Materials Reporting Forms for contractors to report information for the MR and IEQ credits. However, for v4 what are people typically using for...

Last reply: Stephanie Gowing, Mar 27, 2024, 10:43 am

LEED AP Exam Question

NC-v4 LTc6: Bicycle facilities
posted by zoey ying on Mar 26, 2024, 9:53 pm

A developer for a residential project in an urban area is reviewing potential sites that would reduce vehicle distance traveled. Which site would help with this goal and with achieving LT Credit...

Calculating CO2 setpoint for carbon dioxide monitoring

NC-v4 EQc1: Enhanced indoor air quality strategies
posted by Edgar Arevalo on Nov 9, 2023, 11:19 am

I've been looking at Appendix C of ASHRAE 62.1-2010 for a way, and I keep scratching my head.  Does anyone how to calculate for the...

Last reply: Afogreen Build, Mar 26, 2024, 10:01 pm

Energy Simulation

CS-v4 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by Antonio Galicia on Jul 11, 2023, 3:54 pm

Hi everyone

What is the most recommended energy simulation software you have used for the EAp2 requirement? My first options are Design Builder and Green building studio so I hope you can...

Last reply: Marcus Sheffer, Mar 26, 2024, 7:48 pm

Energy Modeling using “HAP”

NC-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by Muzamil Rafique on May 27, 2016, 2:50 am

I am doing the energy model for a project. The project total area is “153,145 sf”, 25,346 sf area of the total area is condition and the other “127,799” sf area is unconditioned, “ventilation fan...

Last reply: Marcus Sheffer, Mar 26, 2024, 7:46 pm

Collected rainwater used for flush fixtures (toilets)

CS-v4.1 SSc4: Rainwater management
posted by Sofía Rizo on Mar 26, 2024, 3:26 pm

The new v4.1 requirements for credit Rainwater Management - option 1, state that "The percentile event volume must be retained (i.e. infiltrated, evapotranspirated, or collected and...

Credit For Excess Chilled Water Rejected To Plant Site Chilled Water System

NC-v4 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by Michael Hill on Feb 14, 2024, 4:53 pm

I am working on a project that is using heat pump chillers to generate hot and cold water for the building systems. When the building loads are cooling dominated, the excess heat is rejected to...

Last reply: Abdullah Tahir, Mar 26, 2024, 4:29 am

Dumpster sizes for the recyclables during the construction?

CS-v4 MRp1: Storage and Collection of Recyclables
posted by Marine Petrosyan on Jun 29, 2023, 7:43 am

Hi, LEED Users!

Can you please help me figure out, whether the dumpster sizes for the recyclables in the construction area should meet any standard under CS-v4 MRp1?

I can't find...

Last reply: Afogreen Build, Mar 25, 2024, 9:18 pm