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4041 search results for "zero lot line"


Profitability from great process is not just for LEED

General forums
posted by Karen Tucker on Nov 18, 2016, 2:51 pm

of software and services, we offer a proven method and well-designed machine for turning what you know how to do into a much more attractive bottom line. ...

LEED AP Homes v4

General forums
posted by Mugdha Mokashi on Dec 23, 2016, 12:47 pm

Hi, I am planning on taking the LEED AP Homes v4 test. Can anyone who has taken this test share their experience? BD+C v4 has a lot of study material available online, but I could not find any for Homes v4. Would the Reference Guide be enough? Thanks. ...

Arc Skoru update

General forums
posted by Bill Swanson on Jun 21, 2017, 11:38 am

Hey Tristan, any update on this LEED Dynamic Plaque? Last year there was a lot of pressure made to convert as many LEED credits into "dynamic" points for use in this plaque. Then last fall, USGBC's "Chief product officer", Scot Horst, took the Dynamic Plaque and formed his own, for profit company. http://www.usgbc.org/articles/arc-new-technology-venture-launched-facili... I still have a lot of problems with the Dynamic Plaque. Most of the credits are not dynamic. Like light pollution. Once the credit gets counted, it's always there. No further input. Most other...

Zero VOC

Schools-2009 IEQc4.1: Low-Emitting Materials—Adhesives and Sealants
posted by Dionisio Franca on Jul 10, 2017, 10:03 pm

Hello, The contractor is planning to use a moisture barrier product that has 0 (zero) VOC content. Is this acceptable for LEED for Schools 2009 or do we need a Small Scale Chamber test for it? IEQc4.1 ...

Option 1- EPD compliance

Pilot-Credits MRpc52: Material multi-attribute assessment
posted by Carolyn Day on Aug 29, 2017, 1:28 pm

I'm curious if this has become easier with time. We had a small fast-track (only a couple of months design and a couple construction) interior fit-out and we had so few products to begin with that coming up with 20 EPDs was near impossible. We did manage to get halfway. I'm wondering if other small projects "cheat" by selecting two completely different carpet lines and other workarounds to get to the 20. MRpc52 ...

Hi Nancy,

Product Libraries for LEED v4 & v4.1 Material Credits
posted by John Mlade on Oct 5, 2017, 1:19 am

Hi Nancy, You have a great point- materials information fatigue is setting in. We all feel it. However, I think it may be a good thing that there is so much happening. It is an exciting time across the materials landscape and there are a lot of questions for which we are still trying to find answers, and a lot of progress being made across the industry. If our concerns and considerations about materials...

LEED Credit Qualification for waste plastics in asphalt

LEED Rating System Selection
posted by Chris Sparks on Dec 10, 2019, 3:40 pm

Hi Everyone,  My company is based out of San Diego and is working with asphalt manufacturers to use waste plastics as a partial oil replacement in asphalt. We divert plastics that are destined for landfills, process them and combine them with a proprietary "activator" so that they can be used to replace 10% (on average) of the oil in asphalt roads and parking lots. It is my hopes...

Renewable Energy documentation for a Campus Project

LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings
posted by Hashir Usman on May 20, 2020, 10:21 am

Hi all, I would like to ask that if the owner is planning to install solar energy generation on the campus site and this energy is to be provided to the existing buildings also which are not targeted for LEED certification. Then is it still possible to gain a credit for installing renewable source on-site? Thanks a lot! ...

Why are Light Trespass at almost unreachable light levels?

LEED v4.1 Discussion Forum
posted by Kevin Bremer on Feb 12, 2021, 3:26 pm

So often I am running calculations needing to meet LEED requirements for light tresspass and needing to hit.1FC which is abusurd. Most times we are putting sheilding on the fixtures which require us to use MORE WATTS to acheive IES recommended light level. Not to mention that properties are using as much space as possible where poles are right next to the property line. Then the crazy thing is where you back up to a apratment complex or roadway where they have 250w to 400w HID street lights illuminating their property yet we are haviing to hit.1FC like they are not even there creating way over...

about the selection of LEED rating system

LEED Rating System Selection
posted by abduxukur zayit on Jul 22, 2021, 10:55 pm

hi, i am PhD student here in Tianjin University. i am writting my thesis and one chapter of my thesis about introduction and analysis of LEED. Cause of my thesis related to "Establish zero Carbon  assessment standards for Green campus", so i want to know which assessment tool is suitable for higher education campus in LEED? in my thesis.. i Conclueded that, LEED v4.1 BD+C、LEED v4.1 O+M is sutable for Colleges and University campus assessment. 1)is that correct conclution? 2) I would like to analyze the LEED v4.1 BD+C、LEED v4.1 O+M THIS two assessment systems, Carbon Related part(Carbon...