I have a highrise office building that will be mixed use office & retail. None of the spaces are yet leased, but the owner does anticipate that the building will need full time maintenance staff and has included shower and restroom facilities, exclusively for their use, on one of the basement levels. Since we don't know the actual occupancy, we are using Appendix 1 Table 1 default values for the types of spaces, to determine FTE.
Does LEED assumed that these default values will take into account building support staff?
How would you handle water calcs for the showers and restrooms, that will be exclusively used by the support staff, without knowing how many support staff there will be? My feeling is for toilets, urinals, and lav faucets, it will be a wash (excuse the pun), since support staff will also have access to all restrooms throughout the building, but how do you address exclusive use showers?
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