Dear All,
a question for a core and shell project.
The LEED reference guide Appendix 1 states :
“Core and shell projects that do not have the final occupancy counts must utilize the default occupancy counts provided in this appendix. Projects that know the tenant occupancy must use the actual occupancy counts, as long as the gross square foot per employee is not greater than that in the default occupancy count table”.
Moreover, in the template “PI Form 3 Occupant and usage data”, 3 options are proposed :
“Actual Occupancy: The actual building occupancy for the LEED building
is available.
Default Occupancy: The actual building occupancy for the LEED building
is NOT available. The project team must use the default occupancy counts.
Estimated Occupancy: The actual building occupancy is unknown AND
the default occupancy counts do not address the LEED building type. The
project team will base the occupancy on an alternative methodology.”
Our project is speculative, therefore we do not know the occupancy but there is an “design occupancy” used to size all HVAC components.
Therefore, I consider that the project falls under “the estimated occupancy option”, is that right ?
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