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Which rating system: LEED-NC or LEED-CI?

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Which rating system: LEED-NC or LEED-CI?

March 4, 2010

In the "LEED 2009 Supplemental MPR Guidance" document we found that there is an exception that may allow an owner occupied building to qualify under LEED-CI rather than NC (page 10). It seems we are in a bit of grey area as to which rating system to use for this project and even if either will result in an acceptable boundary line.

The building is an existing building, 100% owner occupied & managed, with horizontal separation by a party wall that separates “National Corporate Offices” from “NJ Distribution Warehouse”. Much of the warehouse is a recent addition and is largely unconditioned space and there are no plans to renovate any part of the warehouse. Renovations to the Corporate Offices will include gut interior renovation and new mechanicals.

Per checklist/scorecard, the project stands to earn approximately the same number of points under either rating system. Is there any benefit to the pursuit of LEED-NC over LEED-CI and if for some reason the requirements are interpreted as not being met after project registration for LEED-CI, may we attempt to switch to LEED-NC?

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No, but I've had that once

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No, but I've had that once

March 4, 2010

No, but I've had that once and wouldn't touch it again with a 10 ft barge pole. If they've not been photo documenting the construction site to show the run-off control measures for example, you can't exactly back track that.

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Patience for a continuously changing system

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

Patience for a continuously changing system

March 3, 2010

Believe it or not, the site and the credit forms are much improved from when LOv3 first launched almost a year ago. The main lesson I have learned to deal with the system is PATIENCE. The whole system is constantly changing as they work to fix all the bugs, quirks, and hiccups, and yes there have been many.

To their credit, USGBC/GBCI has really stepped up their customer/technical support to deal with the issues. I have had good responses using the "Feedback" feature and the call-in number to address specific problems. I also recently saw an extensive list of the credit forms that have been updated and de-bugged. It seems like a good idea to keep checking this website periodically to see if the issues you are finding have already been fixed: https://www.leedonline.com/irj/go/km/docs/documents/usgbc/leed/config/co...

Eventually, I think it will be a more robust and smarter system than the previous one.... eventually....

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CSI section?

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CSI section?

March 2, 2010

Jennifer, what CSI section is the equipment falling under?

To the best of my knowledge, it would be Section 11 68 13, which is not included in LEED MR calculations.

LEED generally only includes 03–10, 31 and 32. I thought playground equipment might be under 32 (site improvements) but I guess it's under 'equipment" (11).

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No hard rules

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No hard rules

March 2, 2010

There are no hard rules on this that I'm aware of—common sense rules the day. I think you just need to come up with a reasonable method and be prepared to explain it.

If it were a renovation or expansion, or if there is a similar existing project in the neighborhood, it seems like some kind of survey or head-counting could be done at minimal cost.

Do you have concerns about getting an number that's too high, and so having to provide a ton of bike racks, or something like that?

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And yes, it sucks that...

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

And yes, it sucks that...

March 2, 2010

....the forms are no longer editable off-line. You can't just simply email it to a consultant to have them fill it out and upload.

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

March 2, 2010

My experience has been been mixed so far. Agree with the bugs listed above.
Another one I found:
SS4.2 FTE numbers do not populate form.

I do like the progressive/contextual form fill-out feature though.

But overall the site is REALLY SLOW.

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Site Boundary Through Existing Building

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Site Boundary Through Existing Building

March 2, 2010

I would appreciate any input from anyone on this subject as I have had no luck getting clarification from USGBC.

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List of quirks, bugs and hiccups

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

List of quirks, bugs and hiccups

February 18, 2010

18 Feb 2010
1) Save form with active links only after first loading page. As soon as an edit is made, or page is saved, only printing is possible. After save, reload credit page and save to save form with active fields.
2) IDc1.x doesn't re-set calculation check for maximum EP allowable points.
3) IDc1.x doesn't re-set calculation check for duplicate EP associated credits.
4) Most forms require at the least something in at least each field before the check turns the N into Y.
5) iexplorer crashes at least once per hour.
6) no FireFox support.
7) WEp1 calculates kitchen faucets with flowrate 2.5 gpm instead of 2.2.
8) WEp1/WEc3 does not account for rainwater usage as per Userguide due to ongoing internal USGBC dabate over rainwater usage incorporation.
9) Flowfixture calculations are erroneous for the baseline case, because of point 7) above and other bugs...use with caution. Double check all calculations.

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The term "Registered" in the US

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The term "Registered" in the US

February 16, 2010

In the US a registered engineer is one that a State has given the title Professional Engineer. I think the term registered was used in this text to keep the term generic to all countries and refer to some governmental license.

In America, States require plans to be sealed by a Professional Engineer. And a State will only allow engineers who are licensed (registered) in their State to seal the plans. Design firms with clients in many States will have engineers licensed in many States. I am currently licensed in 3 States. I've know one person who had 40 State licenses.

Getting the first license sounds similar to your description. There is some variation by each State but generally the person needs to have earned a 4-year degree from a university with an approved curriculum. Then mentor under another licensed engineer for 4-years. Finally passing a couple 8-hour exams. Once licensed in a State it's usually a matter of paperwork and fees to get licensed in another State. Some States require continuing education of so many hours every 2 years if you want to keep your license active.

LEED is a challenge for meeting the needs of each region of the US. The regionalization credits was a first step to address local needs with this national standard. USGBC has branches spreading into other countries. If you feel something is lacking in yours you could try to set up your own branch and give LEED the attention needed for your country. There are too many countries to expect the US to know what's best for each one. It's difficult enough to know what's best here.

Just curious where you got the 27% value from. It's hard to find good data on their website. I found a total of 35,000 projects and 4.5 billion sf. But no information subdividing this data.

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