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when several buildings can be considered as one

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when several buildings can be considered as one

April 16, 2010

Hey Kelly - I echo Tristan's comments, you should probably get in touch with GBCI for specific permission.. We haven't written policy yet for this kind of situation, but it sounds like we should consider it :)

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Yes, it sounds like a project

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Yes, it sounds like a project

April 15, 2010

Yes, it sounds like a project that could be certified under LEED for New Construction.
For additional background on the issues involved here, I would recommend reading the LEED Minimum Program Requirements.

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Multiple Tabs

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Multiple Tabs

April 15, 2010

When you download the Excel file for any given state you will see multiple tabs, one for each LEED Rating System.

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April 12, 2010

Any word on expected launch date for ND? I have a project in pilot, and am also reviewing another mixed use for feasibility of certification in this rating system, but am anxious to provide the client with more specific/concrete info on expected launch date. Anticipated registration/certification fees are not yet posted either, which creates difficulty in providing full soft cost budgets for potential projects. I've written the USGBC without response to date. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

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Vestibules in 90.1

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Vestibules in 90.1

April 9, 2010

Yes, ASHRAE 90.1-2007 requires vestibules. Therefore it becomes a requirement in LEED v3. In many states, vestibules were already required as part of the building code already.

There are exceptions in 90.1, as follows (summary):

1) if you have revolving doors
2) if it is an "emergency egress" only door
3) buildings in a mild climate
4) small buildings in moderate climate
5) very small buildings in any climate

In cold climates, vestibules are a very good way to prevent heat loss and infiltration. If you don't meet the exceptions above, instead of working to "get around" this requirement, I think you should figure out how to accommodate them.

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Check with GBCI

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Check with GBCI

April 9, 2010

Christopher, this sounds frustrating! I have not had this problem, myself. You've probably already done this, but I would recommend you follow up with GBCI via the contact forms on LEEDOnline.com. Good luck and let us know how it works out.

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Passed on to USGBC

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Passed on to USGBC

April 9, 2010

Interesting—I haven't seen this happen on projects we have registered or heard anything else about it. I passed this on to a contact at USGBC, I'll post here if I learn anything more. Seems like this must be against the privacy policy. Wouldn't want to rule out the possibility that it originated elsewhere.

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Check LEED's Minimum Program Requirements

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Check LEED's Minimum Program Requirements

April 5, 2010

Tony, I think the place you need to start to answer this set of questions for your project is with LEED's Minimum Program Requirements. We have a guidance page on the MPRs here, and I think you would also get some perspective from this discussion about setting the site boundary.
It seems quite likely that your site boundary will need to include the entire building; thus this would be included in your energy model for LEED EAc1 and in all of your credit calculations.
Feel free to post back with follow-up thoughts or questions.

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Big difference between residential and non-res occupancies

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Big difference between residential and non-res occupancies

April 4, 2010

Hi Eric,
For non-residential buildings, the credit language is really clear: "Provide secure bicycle racks and/or storage". Bick racks are fine.
For residential, covered or indoor storage is required. It's a little more vague, but bike racks under a roof are generally considered acceptable. There is a lot more detail about this in the "Checklists" section of LEEDuser's page about this credit. And some interesting conversation in the forum area of the credit as well.

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Example LEED submittal documentation

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Example LEED submittal documentation

April 3, 2010

I am new to this website. If a website wanted to be very beneficial and meet the needs of it's members, it would provide sample LEED submittal documents for all the LEED prerequisites and credits. First time LEED AP's could find one they like and model after it. Other LEED AP's could use it to get a sampling of how other Certified Green Buildings obtained their credits and the methods they used to achieve them. I question the motive of USGBC when they will not provide such basic and necessary information. Harvard University is the only one I can find on the website to open their LEED submittal documentation to the public. I think Harvard will be a leader in the industy, because of their actions. I am surprised that other government organizations, who promote openness, have not opened there LEED submittal documentation to the public. Please respond, I would like to hear your comments. Thank you.

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