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Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates MRpc87

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by Lou Niles II on Mar 22, 2018, 1:16 pm

We have built a project located in Santa Clara which has hired a waste hauler that undergoes third-party verification to confirm their...

Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates Pilot

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by Juliana Moreira on Sep 27, 2017, 6:52 am

Juliana- Thanks for your inquiry. Although this is indeed a innovation credit idea, you'll probably get a better response posting your question under this pilot credit's forum- https://leeduser.buildinggreen.com/credit/Pilot-Credits/MRpc87. Log in or register to post comments 1 Vote up! Well, this is cool! On our new LEEDuser site I can just move a comment to the correct forum. It's here now! Log in or register to post comments 0 Vote up! Hi Juliana. Just wondering if you had any luck with this pilot credit using PAS 402? We are also looking at this credit on a few projects in the UK using facilities certified under PAS 402...

Last reply: Juliana Moreira, Feb 1, 2018, 3:29 am

Required to use facility weighted average?

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by Eileen Gohr on Jun 19, 2017, 10:20 am

"Recycling rates applied to a project's waste generation must be the weighted average for the facility over the time in which the project sent materials to the facility."

Does this mean...

Project diversion rate v. facility rate

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by Deborah Ebersole on Jan 12, 2017, 12:20 pm

If a project's diversion rate is greater than 75% but the RCI certified facility's diversion rate is less than 75% during project construction is the project still eligable to achieve all MRc2...

Last reply: John Danby, Jan 12, 2017, 1:47 pm

Pilot Credit 87: Verified C&D Recycling Rates

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by Sara Greenwood on Feb 27, 2015, 2:37 pm

Hello, I am working on a project located in San Jose which has hired a waste hauler that undergoes third-party verification to confirm their...

Last reply: David Dixon, Jan 3, 2017, 11:49 am

Verified Recycling

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by Bharati Bhosale on Jan 3, 2017, 11:15 am

Apart for from added costs, are there additional requirements that the construction team should be aware of in terms of onsite sorting/ specific dumpster requirements that need to be met in-order...

Last reply: John Danby, Jan 3, 2017, 11:29 am

Pilot Credit 87: Verified C&D Recycling Rates

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by David Dixon on Jul 21, 2016, 3:25 pm

have several project and have had to work with the contractors and their LEED coordinator to select a company that is verified for this credit. Have found the major and national forms are...

RCI CORR Information

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by John Danby on Apr 21, 2016, 4:29 pm

I have found that it takes a bit of work to actually see that a facility has achieved the Recycling Certification Institute's CORR certification. If you go to the RCI site (...

Certification agency meeting the ISO Guidelines

Pilot-Credits MRpc87: Verified Construction & Demolition Recycling Rates
posted by Stephanie Graham on Mar 21, 2016, 11:21 am

Under the requirements of qualifying certification agencies, it reads, "The certification organization follows guidelines for environmental claims and third-party oversight, including ISO/IEC...