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IEQ Prerequisite 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control

General forums
posted by aaron smith on Dec 21, 2010, 1:27 pm

IEQ Prerequisite 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (...

Recycled Definition

General forums
posted by Michael Wolfe on Dec 27, 2010, 6:29 pm

It's a bit more complicated than that. At SCS we combine ISO and FTC definitions. In the example cited, our interpretation would hinge on two factors. 1) is the glass from the original...

gross floor area

General forums
posted by Tristan Roberts on Dec 28, 2010, 6:19 pm

No, I don't think you need to include this, just as you wouldn't include an outdoor parking lot. It's not occupied space.

Elaras Question- LEED Certification for High-Rise Multi-family

General forums
posted by Dan Ackerstein on Dec 28, 2010, 7:09 pm

In theory, EBOM...

LEED CI Qualification

LEED Rating System Selection
posted by Seung Shin Na on Jan 2, 2011, 11:46 pm

I'm working on the new factory construction project which is pursuing to achieve LEED CI.
Our new factory building will be constructed by government (only for...

Re: Design Phase Submission allowed after Construction

General forums
posted by David Posada on Jan 4, 2011, 11:46 am

Yes, you can do that since there's no precise timing requirement for the design phase submission. Just be aware that the longer you wait after construction is complete the harder it can be to get...

post to EAp2

General forums
posted by Tristan Roberts on Jan 5, 2011, 2:18 pm

Leslie, this is a great question/comment -- can you post it to the EAp2 or EAc1.4 forums, where it...

Site Selection Options

General forums
posted by Brett Beckemeyer on Jan 6, 2011, 12:58 pm

This is more of a structural comment. It is a little confusing that there are two options listed, but option 2 requires option 1 to be met. I'm assuming this would be 2 credits and option 1 would...

registering the project

General forums
posted by Tristan Roberts on Jan 6, 2011, 3:57 pm

Maria, it does not make a difference in terms of LEED requirements who registers the project or is the project administrator.

Avkash Patel LED EB O&M

General forums
posted by Amy Balderrama on Jan 6, 2011, 5:56 pm

How can I contact Avkash Patel who was willing to share her review comments?