IEQ Prerequisite 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control - Prevent or minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces and ventilation air
distribution systems to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Weather-strip all doors in the residential units leading to common hallways to minimize air leakage into the hallway.
Demonstrate acceptable sealing of residential units by a blower door test conducted in accordance with ANSI/ASTM-E779-03, Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate By Fan Pressurization. Use the progressive sampling methodology defined in Chapter 4 (Compliance Through Quality Construction) of the Residential Manual for Compliance with California's 2001 Energy Efficiency Standards. Residential units must demonstrate less than 1.25 square inches leakage area per 100 square feet of enclosure area (i.e., sum of all wall, ceiling and floor areas).
One intent of this credit is to weather-strip doors, to prevent cross-contamination to non-smoking units. While there are 2 options for room assembly requirement and testing, there are no requirements for the standard that door gasketing and weather-strip must meet - this will make it difficult for architects to specify the correct gasketing and insure that the room assembly tests to the standard.
I propose to USGBC that we use perimeter gaskets and seals that have been tested in accordance with UL 1784-2001 Air Leakage Tests of Door Assemblies, and meet the performance criteria for allowable air
leakage as specified in NFPA 105-99 Installation of Smoke Control Door Assemblies. Gaskets and seals meeting these standards should meet the intent of IEQp2.
This standard may benefit IEQc5 as well!
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