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Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LEED Volume Certification Program Launched

USGBC has launched a new program aimed at larger LEED customers—building owners and property managers certifying 25 or more LEED projects within a three-year window.

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LEED App Store Coming Soon – What's on Your Wish-List?

“LEED Automation,”  the beginning of a new model for LEED documentation and reporting

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FTE for LEEDv3 NC applied on a hospital

Forum discussion

Calculating FTEs

FTE for LEEDv3 NC applied on a hospital

December 20, 2010

Hi, we have a hospital project going for LEED v3 NC certification. Most parts of the hospital have rooms for clinical short time visits by patient. However, other parts of the hospital are designed with inpatient rooms for patient that need to stay for some days. Should the FTE calculation only be based on the number of staff? The credits that will be affected in our projects are mainly SS and WE credits. Could it be a variation between the different patient groups? Some of the patients calculated as FTE and some as visitors. Thanks in advance

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Master Site Registration Costs?

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Master Site Registration Costs?

December 16, 2010

Can anyone verify if there is an initial fee for REGISTRATION of the master site? I know the fees for design review and construction review, but the GBCI website does not make it clear whether there is a registration fee. If so, is it the normal $900/$1200 rate for members/non-members?

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post under IEQc4.2

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General forums

post under IEQc4.2

December 14, 2010

Mario, can you please post this question under our IEQc4.2 forum? Thanks.

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Master Credits for NC and EB?

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Master Credits for NC and EB?

December 14, 2010

I will be working to make every building on a federal campus be LEED certified. To do this, we are using NC, CS, CI, and EB depending on the best application for the building. I'd like to certify a list of master campus credits and apply these to my projects. Does this mean that I will have to document all the master credits in four different master credit submittals, or can I aggregate many of these together in one submittal? There are many credits which apply to all rating systems, Habitat, smoking, etc.

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Quirks and Bugs

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Living with LEED Online - quirks, bugs and hiccups

Quirks and Bugs

December 13, 2010

Does anyone have or know of a matrix that shows what fields are related to what forms? The data you include in a PI form or Prerequisite, populates fields throughout the credit forms. The problem is that if you miss a field in some connected space, your credit will show 0 points achieved even if you have met all the requirements. Because the forms are so interdependent and the formulas are hidden, there is no way to figure out what is either missing or not achieving the threshold you are looking for. It seems like I am spending way too much time reviewing forms to figure out what is missing. There should be some kind of flag, highlight, or error message that tells you what field is not filled out or has incorrect values. Does anyone know why some parts of the form are green, some gray, and some yellow? Do those colors mean something? I understand that the white or unshaded boxes are calculated values. Some forms have green shading for user entered data, and some green. What is the rational behind this? Then there are seemingly random yellow highlighted text areas. Any thoughts?

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AGMBC for Campus and Master Projects

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

AGMBC for Campus and Master Projects

December 10, 2010

Can anyone tell me exactly how Master Projects credits are applied to the block projects? I have A master project setup with three blocks. We are submitting The Master and the first block simultaneously. I want to know why a master project is created if the credits do not populate to the block projects. According to the AGMBC, you can apply the credits from the Master Project to the Block projects but it does not indicate how this is accomplished. LEED Online offers no assistance other than to say read the AGMBC. Has anyone actually done this yet?

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General forums


December 9, 2010

Is there any guidance for doing a LEED: EBOM project in India?

Has there been any attempt in doing such a project?

We are thinking of doing a project there, but have explored the Indian Green Building Council, but have seen only projects that relate to NC, Core and Shell, and homes, but none in operations.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.


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AGMBC on existing campus

Forum discussion

LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

AGMBC on existing campus

December 8, 2010

I would like to offer this criticism: The guide does not adequately explain the documentation process. When you register a Block Project only the credits associated with the Master Project appear within the Master Project's scorecard. However, all the credits appear within each of the Individual Project score cards. So basically you have to fill out the forms for both the Individual Project and the Master Project. So instead of saving effort, you are duplicating effort. The guide tells you that you can apply the credits of the Master Project to the Individual Project, but does not say how this is accomplished specifically what button do you push or who do you call to make the application of credit happen. We contacted GBCI through the LOv3 portal for clarification and their response was that we should read the AGMBC and it would explain how. From where I stand now, it appears that I will have to manually enter the information 4 times, once for the Master Project and once for each of the 3 Block Projects. I am hoping that as we work through this there will be further clarification of the process. The goals and intents are well spelled out, but the process needs work.

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