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AGMBC registeration fees

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

AGMBC registeration fees

November 15, 2011

We have 2 buildings that will share a site. The main buildings is all ready registered. I have gone through the process of creating a block and adding the second building and a master site project within the block. One question i have is if the Master Site "project" is required or if it is simply a tool for site credit templates to be submitted and reiviewed separate from the buildings? I also thought the fee would be $1800 total. As stated we have all ready registered the first building and LEED online is now charging me 2x$900 for the additional "projects". So is the master site required or can we simply just register the two buildings? If so, Is there a way to delete the master site project from the block and just complete the templates for the two buildings? If not, I might be able to create a new block with just the two building projects.

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using LEEDuser in the field

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using LEEDuser in the field

November 13, 2011

Matt, absolutely. For each credit, LEEDuser offers a step-by-step checklist on how to achieve it and key pitfallls to avoid.

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LEED plaques not included for v2 projects

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LEED plaques not included for v2 projects

November 13, 2011

Brian, thanks for noting this. Here is the rest of the GBCI announcement:
"The recognition package for all LEED certified projects will include ten complimentary, 11-by-14-inch certificates and a formal letter of certification from GBCI. Projects certified under LEED 2009 rating systems do not receive complimentary plaques and are not affected by this change.
"All projects achieving LEED certification will now receive a standard recognition package. Display plaques are available for purchase at greenplaque.com to project teams that have achieved certification under all LEED rating systems."
This announcement also led me to a place I'd never been—the weird world where LEED plaques (and t-shirts and banners) are bought.

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Review Comments

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Review Comments

November 11, 2011

Maybe this is old news, but I just discovered it, so maybe others haven't yet.
The summary review comments usually come in a nearly illegible no-formatting-in-sight spreadsheet--which has been a headache for our project teams. In LOv3 there are formatted and legible review comments attached to each credit under the "Overview" "Review Snapshot" page. From here you can see all of the review comments by credit (this would be even better if the credits were in order, but this is such an improvement it almost doesn't even matter). You can click to expand each credit which reveals PDFs of the credit form, all uploads associated with that credit, and an html version of the review comments for that credit.
Further making my day, there is also a "download all" button, this means you can now download your entire design (or construction, I assume) review (forms, uploads, and comments) in one fell swoop. This is a super time saver! Now you can just let it download in the background while you do other things, previously you would need to download each form and upload separately. 

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Denied Credits in Precertification Review

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Denied Credits in Precertification Review

November 9, 2011

Could anyone tell me if an ID credit is denied during the Precertification Phase, can it be changed for the Design Review without having to Appeal?

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Cancellation due to inactivity

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Cancellation due to inactivity

November 9, 2011

does anybody know where are the cancellation policies for projects? in the Certification Policy Manual says
"12.3 Cancellation Due To Inactivity: Subsequent to registering a project with GBCI, project teams shall maintain a substantial level of activity designed to effect a complete application for LEED certification. GBCI reserves the right to cancel any registered project that remains inactive, as determined solely by GBCI. The definition of the phrase “substantial level of activity” varies across the different LEED rating systems. Please refer to the rating system-specific appendices for detailed requirements. "
The thing is that I can´t find the appendices for New Construction and Core and Shell.
If somebody can help me, thank you!

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Core & Shell Lease Agreement - No Tenant Yet

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Core & Shell Lease Agreement - No Tenant Yet

November 4, 2011

LEED Online requires the team to upload the lease agreement signed by both the Owner and Tenant - what if the Owner is not expecting to have a tenant in line at the time of certification (i.e. the speculative building could be empty for a while before a tenant signed the lease)? Is it acceptable to provide the lease agreement only signed by the Owner in this case?

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Part II AGMBC timeline

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Part II AGMBC timeline

November 4, 2011

Glad to finally get the partial update to Part II. Frustrated to see that the on-line advice on fees still relates to Part I, nothing on Part II yet.
Is there any advice on whether this will information will be released before the actual registration and certification is activated?

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Multiple Buildings, different sites. Sharing underground

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LEED Guidance for Campuses and Multiple Buildings

Multiple Buildings, different sites. Sharing underground

November 3, 2011

Hi there. I would like to have a recomendation on how to register three different projects that are being built together in the same construction site. We are using LEED for new construction pursuing different levels of certification

Despite the sharing of the underground, each of the buildings are independently owned by different landlords and are located at separate municipal sites. However, there is a physical connection through undergrounds, which will affect indoor air quality during construction and other subsequent construction issues during construction phase and later during operation.

Each of these projects have their own parking calculations and square footage meaning that each of these three buildings, will have different gross footage and independent site boundary.

Do these three buildings need to be registered on their own or should they be registered as multiple buildings "On-Campus" creating a common LEED site boundary?

Thank you for your guidance

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November 2, 2011

Love the LEEDUser layout - intiutive and much easier to browse then the Reference Guides. Is there any plan to bring LEED-ND into the LEEDUser family outside of this thread?


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