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removing a credit from submission

Forum discussion

LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

removing a credit from submission

November 13, 2013

Hello LEEDuser members,
We are in the process of addressing comments from our Design and Construction Preliminary Review. The project is going for certification level using the Core and Shell rating system. There is a credit (not prerequisite) that we are no longer going to apply for because we don't need the point, nor do we have the time needed to address the comments from USGBC's review regarding this particular credit.
Does anyone know what/if there is a process for removing a credit from a submittal? Also, if USGBC has already commented on that credit and is requesting clarification, does it complicate matters?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Appeal for design credits after construction phase

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Appeal for design credits after construction phase

November 13, 2013

is it possible to appeal for denied design credit after submitting the construction stage credits and receiving the preliminary construction review ?

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Design Review Appeal or Construction Review?

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Design Review Appeal or Construction Review?

November 12, 2013

We have been denied two prerequisites from the Design Phase (EAp2 and IEQp1) after the final design review. The project will be substantially complete in a month and a half. There were errors in our calculations and documentation that is requiring us to resubmit for these prerequisites. Does it make sense to begin the appeal process for these two prerequisites or would it be better to submit the revised documentation for these denied prerequisites during the construction review?

Your thoughts and experience is appreciated. Thank you.

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submit an ID design credit after construction preliminary review

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

submit an ID design credit after construction preliminary review

November 12, 2013

Dear Sirs,

i am working on a CI project and we have been awarded 48 points in the design stage credits , how ever we are targeting gold, and we still have 13 points to be earned in construction stage , total of 61 , but the project team is a little bit worried we wouldn't achieve gold, and we were negotiating working on green education program, but since it is considered a design credit we wanted to know is it possible to submit this credit as an appeal but after the construction phase preliminary review (in case we didn't get the total 13 construction points)?

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PIf3 forum

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PIf3 forum

November 5, 2013

We are keeping this forum up for reference purposes, but now that LEEDuser has a single dedicated forum to PIf3, we are directing all discussion over to that page. Please post your questions there!

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rating system selection forum

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rating system selection forum

November 5, 2013

We are keeping this forum on the site for reference purposes, but new forum questions about choosing the LEED rating system for this application should be posted to our LEED rating system selection page.

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rating system selection forum

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rating system selection forum

November 5, 2013

This forum is being kept on LEEDuser for reference purposes, but new questions on this thread should go to our rating system selection forum.

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Reviewer revising forms?

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LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more

Reviewer revising forms?

November 1, 2013

Have any of you experienced a review in which the reviewer revised/corrected the form as he/she saw fit changing the numbers from the original input. The mechanical engineer is saying that the numbers on the WEp1 form are not what he input originally but that the reviewer modified them. Now during construction credits, we have to work on that form again per comments from the reviewer and we do not know what to do.

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FTE for College Athletic Facility

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Calculating FTEs

FTE for College Athletic Facility

October 21, 2013

I am working on calculating the FTE's for a College Athletic Facility that has a minimal FTE but a significant Transient population between faculty and students. I am trying to located a good method on determining the PEAK condition assuming that it would be during an athletic event. Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you.

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Forum discussion

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October 14, 2013

Do we take interior blinds or shades into account when we calculate the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient? The windows that I am using on my project have a SHGC of 0.66 which is really high compared to ASHRAE's 90.1 design guidelines.

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