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Performance Evaluation

EBOM-2009 MRp1: Sustainable Purchasing Policy
posted by Nell Boyle on Jun 8, 2010, 12:40 pm

I would like to amend or delete the performance evaluation provided on the template. Will this jepordize meeting the requirements of the prerequisite?

Last reply: Dan Ackerstein, Jun 10, 2010, 5:31 pm

No new parking spaces by count, but new parking lot.

NC-2009 SSc4.4: Alternative transportation - parking capacity
posted by sara frye on Jun 10, 2010, 2:59 pm

We are renovating (essentially new construction) an abandoned residence to become offices for a small land conservation non-profit. We are not adding any new spaces for parking but are...

Last reply: Tristan Roberts, Jun 10, 2010, 4:49 pm

If you haven't seen it

General forums
posted by David Posada on Jun 8, 2010, 5:34 pm

If you haven't seen it already, you might start with the MPR Supplemental Guidance document, particularly pages 12 -19 that discuss the Minimum Program Requirement #3, Site Boundary:

Last reply: Baani Singh, Jun 10, 2010, 4:46 pm

Helpful Link

EBOM-2009 IEQc3.1: Green cleaning - high performance green cleaning program
posted by Adolfo Silva on Jun 10, 2010, 4:45 pm

Link to a good...

Buy-back the existing furniture for Recycling

CI-2009 IDc1: Innovation in Design
posted by Grace Ming on May 31, 2010, 7:58 am

Hello All,

One of our project, the system furniture supplier is offering our client to buy back the existing furniture from the old office (which is at the different location from the new...

Last reply: Grace Ming, Jun 10, 2010, 3:57 am

Gold Standard for this credit?

NC-2009 EAc6: Green Power
posted by Omer Moltay on Jun 9, 2010, 4:37 am

Dear All,

Would a...

Last reply: Marcus Sheffer, Jun 9, 2010, 6:41 pm

Operating Days per year

NC-2009 WEp1: Water Use Reduction
posted by Annette Bellafiore on Jun 8, 2010, 12:13 pm

I'm not sure if this is an error with the LEED Online template or not, but when I change the operating days per year and leave all other information constant, the percent water savings changes....

Last reply: Annette Bellafiore, Jun 9, 2010, 4:04 pm

Glare Control Issues for EQc8.1

NC-2009 IEQc8.1: Daylight and views - daylight
posted by Neetu Singh on Jun 8, 2010, 12:50 pm

For LEED 2009 EQc8.1, if small space has one exterior wall completely glazed, and according to the prescriptive method , VTL*(WA/FA) >.18, then would automatic shades for glare control be an...

Last reply: Jill Perry, PE, Jun 9, 2010, 12:51 pm

Energy Modeling for Low Rise Residencial Buildings

NC-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by Eric Fischel on Jun 8, 2010, 1:25 pm

What path should I take if a project is a Campus with 6 or more Residential Buildings with 3 floors each. This is because in ASHRAE 90.1 - 2007 the Low Rise residential buildings are out of the...

Last reply: David Posada, Jun 8, 2010, 7:15 pm

Smaller projects

General forums
posted by Janika McFeely on Jun 8, 2010, 12:04 pm

I budget similar amounts of time as mentioned above on mid to large scale LEED projects with the caveat that I'm finding the preliminary reviews to be more intensive than they have been in the...

Last reply: David Posada, Jun 8, 2010, 6:54 pm