If following Option 2 - Stream Channel Protection, don’t forget to provide a narrative describing the project’s site conditions, measures taken, and controls implemented to prevent excessive stream velocities and associated erosion.
You must use an Alternative Compliance Path to document savings from a non-potable source in LEED Online. Adjust the design case total water use volume to account for the annual amount of non‐potable water. Then use the adjusted design case total water use to recalculate the percent reduction of water use for all fixtures. Additional documentation or calculations may include but are not limited to plumbing drawings, calculations and system capacity to support quantities provided, and any analysis to confirm the availability of the non‐potable water source.
As accountability is key to successfully implementing low-emitting materials, contractors and subcontractors should be contractually required to provide LEED submittal product information.
It is best to require subcontractors to supply all LEED-required low-emitting information on the products they purchase at the time they are submitting products for approval. This way contractors do not wait until the end of construction to supply information, and you have the opportunity to review products for LEED compliance before products are purchased.
Guidance on incorporating LEED specifications into construction documents, along with samples, is available from MasterSpec and from the Whole Building Design Guide (see Resources).