For Exemplary Performancecredits, you will need to provide the same information as listed above but you can take the exact language from the Rating System. It is generally a good idea to include the LEED Submittal Template for the credit here too.
For mechanically ventilated spaces, run ventilation calculations to verify that the final design meets the minimum outside air rates equal to or exceeding the ASHRAE 62.1-2004 minimum.
If pursuing a blower door test, ask a blower-door or air-barrier expert to review construction documents and shop drawings prior to the actual testing to ensure that problem areas, including deck to deck partitions, are likely to be sealed according to specifications.
If smoking is to be allowed in certain areas (Option 2), integrate deck-to-deck partitions and weatherstripping or pressurization into plans and construction document specifications.
In non-residential construction when smoking will be banned (Option 1), incorporate smoking-related signage into plans and construction specifications. Fill out LEED submittal template and upload all supporting documentation to LEED Online.
Require that your contractor submit an IAQ Management Plan early in construction, before interior work has begun. The plan should detail the approach to this credit, as well as EQc3.1 if both credits are being pursued.