Only electricity is required to be submetered in Core-and-Shell projects. Electricity for lighting, plug loads, and HVAC can be metered together, but this may not always be possible due to system constraints, unknown lighting or plug loads, or your project scope. Consider monitoring gas as well; this will give you a better idea of your building’s total energy use.
The M&V program must monitor the energy use of all systems installed during Core-and-Shell work and provide the infrastructure for tenant metering, though it does not need to individually measure tenant spaces.
Energy savings are determined by comparing actual metered, or measured, energy use to the projected energy use of a baseline building under similar operating conditions.
Energy Savings = Projected Baseline Energy Use – Post-Construction Energy Use (actual metered energy use).
Post-Construction Energy Use is determined by utility metering or submetering, or by using an energy simulation model of the projected building.
Design systems to collect data to support calculations (Option B) or calibration of simulations (Option D) from a combination of meters and sensors. These can be included in a building automation system or through temporary installation of additional sensors and data loggers as needed.