If IAQ test samples exceed any of the maximum concentration levels, the space must be flushed out with an increased rate of outside air, as recommended by the testing agency, and re-sampled to confirm compliance.
Extra attention must be paid to ensure strict adherence to the requirements for low-emitting materials (EQc4) and the successful implementation of a construction
For projects with multiple independent HVAC systems, portions of the building can be flushed out separately, as they are completed, as long as no additional construction work occurs in an area where a flush-out has begun.
Do not include land-clearing debris or excavated soil or rock in your calculations. Even if diverted from landfill, it is not to be included in the credit calculations. Contractors often think that trees and stumps are still part of the diverted waste, but take them out of the LEED submittal template and supporting documentation if the contractor includes them.
Transfer all the data collected in the Materials Calculator spreadsheet (see Documentation Toolkit) to the LEED submittal template and upload the product cut sheets.
Contractor installs the monitoring devices as recommended by product manufacturer and mechanical engineer. Verify that all alarms have set points complying with ASHRAE 62.1-2004.
Make final calculations of the estimated building energy loads. Confirm that renewable energy generation capacity is 2.5% of building energy, at minimum for the LEED credit, or that the project’s goals are met.