Streamline documentation and research by keeping a master spreadsheet of all the items being tracked for each material across MR and EQ credits. For example, you may need to ask the millworker for regional information for MRc5, certified
List all spaces and occupancy types for the project on LEED Online. Indicate the kind and number of controls available in each of those spaces and provide a brief description of the control system in each space type. Identify any spaces or occupants that do not have individual controls and list those as well.
Transfer all the data collected in the Materials Calculator spreadsheet (see Documentation Toolkit) to the LEED Online submittal template and upload the product cut sheets.
Transfer all the data collected in the Materials Calculator spreadsheet (see Documentation Toolkit) to the LEED Online Submittal Template and upload the product cut sheets.
Streamline documentation and research by taking data gathered from subcontractors via the Environmental Materials Reporting Form and transfer it into a master spreadsheet for all the items being tracked for each product across MR and IEQ credits. For example, you may need to ask the millworker for rapidly renewable information for MRc6, certified