When applicable, the M&V plan should specify submetering sensor locations. Define the specific sensors, giving their location and sampling rates. In the plan, define the required energy model output and how measured data will be compared to the energy model. Also define how loads are arranged and grouped in electric panels. Mixing power, lighting, and HVAC equipment loads within individual panels is not recommended.
It is easiest to calibrate the as-built energy simulation software if submetering devices correlate with the breakdown of the energy usage in the energy model.
Projected baseline energy use is calculated by an energy model during the design phase. All ECMs are removed from the model, and this energy data becomes the baseline to determine energy savings when compared to actual energy use. According to Option D of
The industry standard for M&V plans, both in the U.S. and internationally, is the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP), owned by the nonprofit Efficiency Valuation Organization.
Through a narrative report, the M&V program provider demonstrates that the M&V program will verify actual energy use. For energy systems not addressed in the M&V plan, you’ll need to provide a detailed reason for its exclusion in the narrative.