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CI-2009 MRc1.1: Tenant space - long-term commitment
posted by valtcheva vessela on Dec 11, 2009, 11:37 am

"if the occupant owns the space, the credit is automatic with proof of ownership." I thought a specific min program requirement of LEED CI is that the space is NOT owned by the occupant. Could...

Last reply: Emily Catacchio, Oct 27, 2011, 9:17 am

Secret Lease

CI-2009 MRc1.1: Tenant space - long-term commitment
posted by David Edenburn on Jul 19, 2011, 11:25 pm

In MR c1.1 and in other credits LEED asks for a (redacted) copy of the lease for term, utility payments, etc. In our case we have been told that the entire lease is confidential and cannot be...

Last reply: Nadav Malin, Aug 26, 2011, 12:41 pm

Region Where LT Leases are NOT Common

CI-2009 MRc1.1: Tenant space - long-term commitment
posted by Raymond Loo on Jul 27, 2011, 11:12 pm

Has anyone in a region where long term contracts are not common, had experience (of if you have any comments) dealing with USGBC on this credit? Do they consider the circumstances that a 5+5...

Last reply: Raymond Loo, Aug 26, 2011, 9:11 am

The lease document is not in English

CI-2009 MRc1.1: Tenant space - long-term commitment
posted by Aaron Levey on Jun 9, 2011, 9:01 am

We have a 10-year lease but it is not in English. Do we have to translate the entire document? Thank you.

Last reply: Susann Geithner, Jun 9, 2011, 9:30 am

thoughts on the 5-year termination clause issue

CI-2009 MRc1.1: Tenant space - long-term commitment
posted by Cara Mae Cirignano on Jul 27, 2010, 5:13 pm

Hi Kathy -
You would need to pitch this approach in the review OR in a Project...

Last reply: Philip Herriges, Jul 28, 2010, 8:13 am

10-year lease committment but with a 5-year termination clause

CI-2009 MRc1.1: Tenant space - long-term commitment
posted by Philip Herriges on Jul 27, 2010, 1:44 pm

The government tenant on our current CI project has committed to a 10-year lease but asks how a 5-year termination clause would affect this credit pursuit.

Can anyone comment?

10-year requirement is tightened up

CI-2009 MRc1.1: Tenant space - long-term commitment
posted by Tristan Roberts on Jan 29, 2010, 4:50 pm

I just revised our guidance as shown above in response to USGBC, which let me know that it intends to tighten up on enforcement of this credit's requirements.

Some projects had been...

Last reply: Jean Marais, Jul 14, 2010, 12:50 am