Forum » Pilot-Credits EApc161
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Unregulated Electricity UsePilot-Credits EApc161: Electrification ACP: Energy Simulation Performance Pathposted by Zeynep Cakir on Mar 15, 2023, 9:32 am
Dear all, We are attempting this pilot credit but we are a little bit confused about the unregulated electricity input. It's asked to input the unregulated electricity in the LEED... Last reply: Bipin Karki, Oct 3, 2024, 11:31 am |
Difference between v4 and v4.1Pilot-Credits EApc161: Electrification ACP: Energy Simulation Performance Pathposted by Camilo Velez on Feb 1, 2024, 10:12 pm
Good evening, I have been reading about this ACP, but there are a couple of questions that I still have regarding the applicability: ASHRAE 90.1 version... |