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Forum » CI-v4.1 MRc2

What exactly Accessible Flooring means herewith in this credit language?

CI-v4.1 MRc2: Interiors life-cycle impact reduction
posted by Jeevan Doifode on Jan 25, 2022, 4:49 am

For general office building which typically has flooring system with ceramic tiles and floorboxes for Data/voice.What exactly Accessible Flooring means herewith in this credit language? 

Last reply: J Schütz, Jan 28, 2022, 9:27 am


CI-v4.1 MRc2: Interiors life-cycle impact reduction
posted by Brian Kish on May 19, 2020, 10:18 am

The credit language reads: Design at least 50% of interior nonstructural walls, ceilings, and floors to be movable or demountable

What classifies a ceiling as a...

Last reply: Agata Mozer, Jan 19, 2022, 11:09 am