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Athena calculator questions

Pilot-Credits PC1: Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Building Assemblies and Materials 
posted by Laura Whitehurst on Mar 31, 2011, 6:55 pm

1. What is the difference between an open web steel joist and a plain steel joist? Which is a better approximation for typical steel construction of Wide Flange beams and composite concrete...

Last reply: Kelly Roberts, Jun 23, 2011, 4:12 pm

LEED LCA score

Pilot-Credits PC1: Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Building Assemblies and Materials 
posted by Laura Whitehurst on Apr 7, 2011, 2:45 pm

I am having significant problems with the LEED LCA score calculator. I am doing 6 buildings of 1-4 stories, and they are all getting similar scores, in the 134-147 point range. The stated...

Last reply: Kelly Roberts, May 20, 2011, 4:20 pm

Athena Eco Calculator- Cement replacement

Pilot-Credits PC1: Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Building Assemblies and Materials 
posted by Kelly Roberts on May 20, 2011, 3:19 pm

Can we scale our square footage inputs linearally to account for cement replacement in excess of 20%? This seems to be especially important when considering foundations where we generally push...

Last reply: Kelly Roberts, May 20, 2011, 3:24 pm

Allowed exclusions

Pilot-Credits PC1: Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Building Assemblies and Materials 
posted by Frances Yang on Apr 20, 2011, 7:23 pm

April 21, 2011- 5:13 pm Pilot credits are intended to be much less formal than standard rating system credits. If you receive guidance or clarification via the LEEDuser forum or by emailing...

Last reply: Batya Metalitz, Apr 21, 2011, 5:13 pm

pilot credits- we need your help!

Pilot-Credits PC1: Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Building Assemblies and Materials 
posted by brendan owens on Aug 20, 2010, 10:45 am

Hi LEEDusers -

The idea behind pilot credits is to get feedback from project team members on the concepts we're testing so that USGBC can learn from your experience and make these credits...

Last reply: Lorenzo Bersanetti, Apr 14, 2011, 6:54 am

LEED LCA Calculator Questions and Observations

Pilot-Credits PC1: Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Building Assemblies and Materials 
posted by Dirk Kestner on Sep 23, 2010, 6:47 pm

I just finished importing my data from the EC into the online LEED LCA Credit calculator and have a few questions and observations that might be helpful for others pursuing the credit.


Last reply: Whit Faulconer, Sep 29, 2010, 12:43 pm

Pilot Credit 1 & Eco Calculator Questions

Pilot-Credits PC1: Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Building Assemblies and Materials 
posted by Dirk Kestner on Sep 14, 2010, 4:46 pm

I am preparing my quantities for a project pursuing this credit and have a few questions about how much “massaging” the USGBC would like us to with our data when it doesn’t quite fit the options...

Last reply: Dirk Kestner, Sep 23, 2010, 6:24 pm