When researching low-emitting products, double check that the manufacturer’s printed information is not misleading. A common example is a product cut sheet that states: “This is low-emitting carpet” without providing the product’s certification status and number. You need a copy of the flooring certification to demonstrate the product’s compliance.
Research compliant, low-emitting carpet, padding and adhesive before construction begins. If product decisions are made after construction begins, with less time to carefully review data sheets, there is a much greater risk of using a non-compliant product.
Give the GC and subcontractors the following tools to help them track materials data for all MR and EQ credits. (See the Documentation Toolkit for access to all of these tools.)
Measuring daylight levels can be a time-consuming process in large buildings. Measurements are taken on a 10-foot by 10-foot grid, with four measurement points for each 10 ft2 section. Taking and recording each measurement takes about 30 seconds—not including setting up the grid—for a total of about two minutes per grid section.
For Option 3, take daylight measurements with a hand-held light meter and record the values on a 10 foot x10 foot grid plan. Enter square footage of regularly occupied areas, and total area of regularly occupied space that meet the daylight requirements in the LEED Submittal Template. Upload all required supporting documents to LEED Online.
Subcontractors may attempt to add a premium during the bidding process for any unusual or unknown materials or practices, so inform your construction bidders of any atypical design systems at the pre-bid meeting.
Emphasize team interaction and construction involvement when defining the project scope with key design team members. Contractor and designer meetings can help ensure correct construction practices and avoid high change-order costs for the owner.
Plan for frequent site visits by the mechanical designer and architect during construction and installation to make sure construction meets the design intent and specifications.