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Forum » EBOM-v4.1 EAc1

Commercial refrigeration systems but not a store

EBOM-v4.1 EAc1: Enhanced Refrigerant Management
posted by Summer Minchew on Jun 3, 2022, 11:37 am

I have an O+M project considering Option 2. The reference guide states that Retail projects must meet Option 1 or 2 for all HVAC systems and stores with commercial refrigeration systems must...

Last reply: Eugenijus Sapel, Sep 23, 2022, 6:21 am

Backup system using refrigerants

EBOM-v4.1 EAc1: Enhanced Refrigerant Management
posted by Khushbu Mankani on Nov 20, 2021, 6:38 am

If a building uses district cooling (CFC-free) but has a backup system (split units) using R-22 refrigerant does the project earn 1 point under Enhanced Refrigerant Management credit? ...