Thought this might be a good place for this question/comment...
I logged into LEED Online this morning, as usual, through Firefox. I quickly figured out that the forms all of a sudden will not open. After some investigation, it seems that Firefox stopped supporting Adobe plugins as of yesterday, much like Chrome did back in Sept '15.
For me, this only leaves Internet Explorer that is compatible with being able to open/view/edit the forms while in the website.
Can anyone else confirm that this is the case for them, too?
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
March 23, 2017 - 9:45 am
Yep I always have to use IE for LEED Online.
Erica Downs
LEED ConsultantThe Green Engineer
254 thumbs up
March 23, 2017 - 10:29 am
But, just to make your head spin, the website does not work properly on IE -- I always have to use Chrome.
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
March 23, 2017 - 10:36 am
Emily - I've only used IE for LEED Online myself because it consistently has worked over the years. I reached out to USGBC Technology team to see if they have any insight into the Firefox change.
Erica - You are correct. USGBC was very clear when they revised its website years ago that it was optimized for Chrome. With IE, you can't see some of the symbols and icons (for videos for instance).
I wanted to take the opportunity to point out an Adobe issue that I noticed after reading Emily's post. When I ran Check System Requirements, I got an red X on Adobe Reader with the message: "LEEDOnline is not compatible with the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader DC version, please uninstall and install the Adobe Reader XI. Please click the link to install the Adobe Reader XI -" I don't have Adobe Reader DC - I have Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. I asked USGBC Technology if DC will ever be compatible.
I'll post more when I hear back.
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
March 23, 2017 - 2:28 pm
Wanted to share this update from USGBC Technology team:
For those of you using Firefox 52, when you click Check System Requirements ( from the LEED Online log in page (, you should see the message: Firefox 52 onwards NPAPI Plugins ( support has been dropped, so you may use the Firefox ESR ( release to continue to work with Adobe Plugin.
Emily - I don't have Firefox installed so I would be curious if you see this. USGBC Technology told me they had already updated the System Requirements in anticipation of the release of Firefox 52.
Regarding Adobe Reader DC, I was told USGBC is not supporting it as there is an issue accessing the web content from the plugin that is blocked.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
March 23, 2017 - 5:40 pm
Ok, I used the link provided above ( and it worked. I didn't do anything with the existing FireFox version already on my machine, but it didn't seem to interfere with this install. I tested the updated and old versions of the forms in different projects, and everything seems to open and function fine. Hallelujah!
This is a relief, as I have been battling with IE for two days now, especially when I tried to have more than one tab open at a time, and especially with the forms. If I have the credits page open in one tab, and try to open a form in a second tab, I had to leave my screen showing the form tab and not do any other tasks while it opened. If I just sat there waiting, it opened OK (though there were sometimes error messages while working within the form). If I clicked on anything else, or toggled between tabs while it was trying to open the form, it would come back with an error message and wouldn't open properly. Man, I hate IE.
For the Adobe DC issue, I have come across this before, too. I have to have the DC update for other programs and websites (I also use Acrobat Pro and the Adobe CS Suite), and sometimes that conflicted with the LEED requirements for the older version. I would sometimes have to upgrade, and sometimes downgrade. Not sure why everyone can't just be updated with the same version, but it's very frustrating.
For now, I'm just excited I can go back to using FireFox, for the time being, anyway. Thanks for your help, Michelle!
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
March 27, 2017 - 12:18 pm
Emily - I'm glad that this helped!
I reached out again to USGBC Technology team about the DC issue because it affects me (and I'm sure other LEEDusers). I haven't heard back yet. I'm trying to get USGBC Technology to tell me if Acrobat Pro DC has the same problems as Adobe Reader DC as far as blocked content.
I am curious if you have Adobe Reader 11 (XI) installed in addition Acrobat Pro DC. And if so, if it works ok. I hadn't noticed the incompatibility issue until you posted last week - mainly because the forms seemed to work ok in DC. (I upgraded Acrobat Pro X over the holidays.)
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
March 30, 2017 - 12:46 pm
At the moment, it looks like I have the following:
- Acrobat XI Pro
- Acrobat Reader DC
- Adobe CS6 Suite
- Adobe CC 2017
I do recall having to install/uninstall between DC and Adobe Reader 11 in the past several time to get different applications to cooperate. I haven't had that happen in a few months, though. Could just be by coincidence.
Since updating as previously described, I have not had issues in the v3 projects with the forms. Interestingly enough, I just registered my first v4 project this week, and those forms have been finicky upon trying to open. Sometimes it's fine, and sometimes I get the version error message again. I can't figure out why, but am assuming it's still related to the Firefox vs Adobe issue again.
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
May 25, 2017 - 6:23 pm
Emily - Thanks for sharing that information. I finally got confirmation from USGBC that neither Adobe Reader nor Acrobat Pro DC are supported within LEED Online forms for Windows users with Internet Explorer.
I thought that things were working fine with just Acrobat Pro DC since I upgraded from Acrobat Pro X in in December but did have some glitches. When I heard back from USGBC and researched that both Reader and Acrobat can be simultaneously installed (, I decided to install Reader 11 (XI) and get LEED Online back in the green.
So far so good for me since the installation. Hope things are going well for you too.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
September 7, 2018 - 3:47 pm
Ok, crisis time for me.
My Firefox updated itself today without asking me. Now all of a sudden, I get the "Form render issues detected with this browser" message that so many of my colleagues have gotten in the last few years when I try to open any form. I have tried reverting to an older version of Firefox, but to no avail. I know my FF is missing the plugins and settings options that it previously had. I have a screenshot (that I luckily sent a coworker) of what my settings used to look like, but cannot locate a download of the plugins needed to make things cooperate (at least this is what I think will make things work again).
Is there anyone out there still using Firefox without issue who can send me screenshots of your Plugins, Extensions, and Applications Options related to PDFs so I can at least try to match them? Also, tell me which version of FF you have installed, and what version of Adobe Acrobat you have installed?
I will use IE in the meantime. I really hate IE, especially when it comes to LOL, as it just doesn't function well. As someone who is in LOL pretty much all day, every day, I will use what I have to in order to work, but it really went much more smoothly and quickly with FF.
Michelle, as a side note, I'm also trying to install (again) the Acrobat XI version like I've had in the past, but the link directly above with instructions of how to have both IX and DC no longer works. Do you know of other instructions that would be helpful?
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
September 12, 2018 - 9:44 am
Hi Emily - I am sorry to hear of your LEED Online woes.
It's a bummer that Adobe removed the 2011 blog post that I referenced above.
I followed the link from Check System Requirements in LEED Online for Internet Explorer for getting Adobe XI - Unfortunately Adobe only offers Acrobat Reader DC now. I reached out to the USGBC Technology team to see if they have any ideas because their current guidance to users is no longer valid.
While I have not personally used the information in this link for Acrobat vs. Reader - - you might check it out.
On another note, due to changing circumstances in my personal and professional life, I am no longer the LEEDuser Expert for this forum. While I'm not going away, I'm also not going to be keeping up with this forum on a regular basis.
But I WILL report back if I hear from the Technology team.
Matthew Hardy
October 23, 2018 - 2:47 am
As per my opinion, you do not change your Mozilla Firefox settings, I must say you have to check your browser settings and enable other devices option. If still, you cannot resolve this issue so I will recommend this link
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
January 9, 2019 - 9:38 pm
One more update from my experience today...
I think I found a fix to the LEED Online form not working issue if you have Bluebeam (full version) installed on your machine!
I had to install the full version (versus the trial) of Bluebeam today on my computer, which in turn installed a plugin for IE automatically. This immediately caused my templates to no longer cooperate.
I googled it, found the setting, and turned it off, and my forms work again.
If you have the form render issues in Internet Explorer, see if this works for you:
I will post this info in any related forums I see, just in case. I know other users in my company have had this same problem, we just couldn't figure out how to revert.
Good luck!
Lyle Axelarris
Building Enclosure ConsultantBPL Enclosure
64 thumbs up
February 6, 2019 - 5:15 pm
I use Blubeam for all of my work, except for offline LOL forms (which I use Adobe). It sounds like your Blubeam was interfering with the live LOL forms on IE(?)
Have you found a solution to being able to use LOL forms offline with Blubeam?
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
February 7, 2019 - 12:48 am
Hi Lyle,
Yes, Bluebeam caused the live, in-browser forms in IE to stop cooperating. If I ever need to work offline, or in a downloaded sample form, my default program is Adobe, anyway, so I don't have issues offline. Many of our team members are like you, though, and primarily use Bluebeam for all PDFs. My only advice to them is to switch your default PDF program to Adobe while working with the forms, then switch it back to Bluebeam when done.
Related, but unrelated, on one of the other related forum pages on this topic, there were users having the same issue with their Macs and those browsers. I wonder if the fix above for IE (on PCs) would have a similar fix for those people, too...
Lyle Axelarris
Building Enclosure ConsultantBPL Enclosure
64 thumbs up
July 24, 2019 - 10:29 am
Emily, I am trying to use LOL for the first time on a new computer (in Windows 10), and I am encountering the "Form render issues detected with this browser" error message that you spoke of. I never had this problem on my old Windows 7 machine.
I tried using Google Chrome - same issue.
I tried using Firefox - same issue.
I tried the Revu fix link that you gave above - same issue.
I tried manually setting Adobe as my default .pdf and .pdfxml - same issue.
I am about to try taking a sledgehammer to my computer .... Can you please help?
Is there any way that I can actually use LOL on a Windows 10 machine?
thank you very much
Lyle Axelarris
Building Enclosure ConsultantBPL Enclosure
64 thumbs up
July 24, 2019 - 11:00 am
I just figured out that I was, in fact, using "Microsoft Edge" (whatever that is), and not Internet Explorer. I had just assumed they changed the look of the IE icon in Windows 10.
So, now I am using the real IE, and LEED Online is working!!!
So it appears that IE is the only LOL-compatible browser for Windows 10.
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
July 24, 2019 - 1:25 pm
We save blank copies of the LEED Online forms. For some reason, a number of our consultants are unable to access the LEED Online forms from LOL, but have no problems using the saved pdf versions (which are also interactive). That's our fallback. Dreading the day when IE gets pulled...
Todd Jespersen
Principal ArchitectKBZ Architects Inc
1 thumbs up
October 25, 2019 - 7:11 pm
Has anyone heard USGBC give any guidance/timeline as to when they will finally make LEED Online browser-agnostic?
Tiffany Beffel
Managing PartnerInnovative Workshop Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
22 thumbs up
October 27, 2019 - 7:18 pm
Hi Todd! I have reached out to my technical support contact at USGBC in hopes of getting an update. As soon as I hear back, I will post here and update the LEEDUser community.
Joyce Kelly
Architect - Cx Provider - Building Performance SpecialistGLHN Architects & Engineers
27 thumbs up
January 30, 2020 - 11:46 am
Note: Making Bluebeam my default pdf viewer for Internet Explorer just solved sudden Browser incompatibility issues.
Tiffany Beffel
Managing PartnerInnovative Workshop Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
22 thumbs up
May 31, 2020 - 2:51 pm
Hi All. I have had several conversations with technical support for LEED Online and wanted to provide the latest update I have received. A new integrated platform for LEED Online will be released (already is released with LEED v4.1) that does not take issue with any web browser. It is compatible with all web browsers. There is a plan currently in place to transition LEED v4 projects to this new platform, but the timeline of this transition has not yet been released. LEED v2009 projects, due to their age, sunset, and amount of work involved, will not be transitioned to the new platform. I personally have been utilizing offline forms for well over a year, so I am very excited about the integrated platform. I highly recommend that for any new projects you are planning to register that you do so under the LEED v4.1 rating system. LEED v4.1 is not too far of a stretch from LEED v4 and offers a much better user experience for LEED Online.
Dane Andersen
Sustainability SpecialistJLG Architects
August 24, 2020 - 10:44 am
Hi everyone. Sorry to resurrect this issue, but I'm having the same problem with being unable to open forms on LEED Online. The form begins to load ("Initializing..."), but never loads. "Form save issues detected with this browser" shows at the top of the screen. Been working with my firm's IT and we still can't figure it out. I am using IE, and the compatibility check shows no issues. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
Maria Moran
August 26, 2020 - 4:14 am
Hi Dane!
Same for me... Can't make it work. My credit form it does load, but I cannot save it, same "Form save issues detected with this browser" message at the top of the screen.
Let me know if you find a solution. Thanks!
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
August 26, 2020 - 4:37 am
Hi all,
Any chance you recently either installed or updated Bluebeam? I had immediate compatability issues with my intial 2017 install as well as a more recent upgrade to 2019 (Extreme). There are fixes for both, and it worked both times for me. After I changed the settings indicated, it did take a few restarts of both the Bluebeam and IE programs to get it to work fully (for whatever reason), but it did take and has worked fine ever since.
Try this for 2017:
Try this for 2019: In BB, under the Revu tab (Far left), go to the Administrator button. This will open a settings box.
Under the Plugins tab, make sure the Internet Explorer box is NOT checked. If it is, uncheck it, then hit Apply, and then OK to close.
Once unchecked, I had to close out of BBeam entirely, and Internet Explorer entirely, and after about 3-4 times of trying to open a form, it would work a little better each time; after the last time of closing out of IE completely, and going back in, it worked fine again.
As a safety, after unchecking the culprit box, also check your IE settings under Tools, Internet Options. Under Programs, click on Manage Add-Ons. Then under the Toolbars and Extensions, make sure there's no BB extension listed. If there is, make sure it's Disabled. Restart IE as needed to check compatability.
These fixes have addressed nearly all of my users' issues, so I hope it works for y'all, too.
Dane Andersen
Sustainability SpecialistJLG Architects
August 26, 2020 - 9:57 pm
Thanks Emily. I haven't tried the Bluebeam method yet, but I do have another workaround that seems to be working so far:
If I launch Adobe Acrobat DC prior to logging into LEED Online, the forms seem to behave properly.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
August 26, 2020 - 10:04 pm
Ha. Well that's a new one on me.
Maria Moran
August 27, 2020 - 3:49 am
Hi all!
I have tried both of your solutions, but none of them is working for me... I suppose it is a Bluebeam issue, since I recently got it (2019 version) but the Internet Explorer box is was already not checked in Plugins tab! I checked it and then unchecked it, and restarted BB and IE a few times, but still does not work...!
I will keep trying! Thanks for your posts!
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
August 28, 2020 - 3:44 am
Hi Maria, did you happen to check the IE plugins, too? That's my only other saving grace at the moment.
Maria Moran
August 31, 2020 - 9:20 am
I did, but still does not work.
I will keep trying...Thank you all for your advice!
Nash Emrich
Senior ConsultantBuro Happold
12 thumbs up
May 19, 2021 - 10:54 am
Maria, did you end up finding a solution? I have run into a similar issue.
I have been opening foms just fine in IE and then a few days ago the forms would load. I get the "Initializing..." with partial but stuck loading progress bar, then eventually the "Form save issues detected with this browser" error appears at the top and the form never loads.
I tried all of Emily's tricks with Revu and IE settings (thank you!) but still no luck.
When I check my browser compatibility in IE at the LEED Online login page all boxes are checked with green check mark.
Anyone have any other tricks to try? Or a helpful contact with LEED technical support?
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
May 19, 2021 - 11:24 am
I just checked LEED Online and am STILL able to access the Credit forms. I have had the "initializing" fail in the past - just keep trying, and good luck!
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
May 19, 2021 - 8:41 pm
In today's episode of Reasons Why I Hate LOL, season 12...
Our company as a whole has to update to Bluebeam 20 ASAP for whatever reason. As soon as I installed, same ol' problem. We've tried every fix I and my IT person could think of, but no luck so far. It's being elevated to the next level within IT (whatever that means) and they're going to get back to me...I will update once/if I make any progress.
Of note, my colleague had this exact issue last week, and it resolved itself (first time for everything) after a subsequent update to Windows 10 (computer was already on 10 but needed whatever updates).
Fun times!
Nash Emrich
Senior ConsultantBuro Happold
12 thumbs up
May 20, 2021 - 12:42 pm
Thanks Emily, love your lead-in (funny not funny), I'm very familiar with that show. Yesterday, I remembered that late last week some Windows updates were installed on my machine so my suspicion is that is what messed things up. I reached out to LEEDcoach and will connect with my IT team and report any resolution. Let me know if you figure anything out on your end.
Nash Emrich
Senior ConsultantBuro Happold
12 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 1:24 pm
Here is the feedback I received today from GBCI:
"LEED forms render via NPAPI plugins. However, latest version of browsers have stopped supporting Adobe Reader NPAPI Plug-In.
We have been working to make all v4.1 version web-based to overcome these challenges and future LEED versions will be web-based. For v2009 and v4 form version we suggest to use offline form with latest version of Adobe reader DC as the solution.
In the offline mode, project team can download the credit forms on computer, work on those and upload them back to LEED Online. Anyone working on any credit form will see the latest credit form and they can download it (updated form), modify and upload again. More details for offline forms functionality in these links and .
Important points: the last version downloaded form is always the only version that the system will recognize when project team member try to upload the offline form back to LEED Online. Also, don’t change the name of the file and always save the form in Adobe Reader PDF format."
Nash Emrich
Senior ConsultantBuro Happold
12 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 1:25 pm
Our IT team also suggested we try to uninstall the Windows updates that were implemented last week to see if that was the issue and try to get back to my previous functionality. I will report out if that works.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 1:52 pm
I thought it might be the same for me, but confirmed with IT that my Windows update occurred back in April and I'm not due for another, so for me, the issue's been isolated to something that came with the Bluebeam 20 install. Still waiting to hear back from them on next steps.
Hopefully your fix works for now, though we can only avoid Windows updates for so long...
Dee Spiro
30 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 2:32 pm
I'm a little late to the party - or to binge watching Reasons Why I Hate LOL season 12 - but I have a question about using Chrome for LEED Online. I've been stuck back in the dark ages of using IE as it worked most of the time (about 50%, which is a good record for LOL), and when I tried to open credit forms on Chrome, I either didn't have the correct plug-in or the form didn't render correctly. But now that IE will be retired and heading into the great unknown, is the only way to use LOL on Chrome to download the forms to edit and then re-upload? And I know from past experience with other team members/consultants that getting them to upload again sometimes takes multiple tries, another great use of our time.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 3:13 pm
Hey Dee!
We used to be able to use Chrome, but it stopped supporting the Adobe plugin several years ago. I was able to use Firefox after that (trying to avoid IE), but it, too, stopped supporting the Adobe plugin a short time later. Since that time, it's been IE or nada. Not sure if that's the same case for Apple users.
You can do all other things within Chrome (and sometimes I have to just to get website cooperation), but those dang forms only work in-browser in IE.
Only alternative I know of is the offline process you mention. I've had some project team members have to resort to this; clearly it will greatly affect workflow for those of us who need access daily/weekly across numerous projects. It does have its own glitches that I've seen. The worst part is that once someone downloads the forms for edits, no one else can edit/access except that one person. This slows things down considerably, especially when it's crunch time, and especially when more than one discipline has content to contribute to the forms, themselves. If the person working on the form leaves the project without checking it back in, there's no guarantee (that I've seen) that the form will retain the previously input info if you manually break the link. Some specific feedback from GBCI is listed on this similar discussion page:
Dee Spiro
30 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 3:31 pm
Hi Emily and thanks for the information. I looked up the actual sunset date for IE, and it's June 15, 2022, so that gives the USGBC/GBCI just over a year to get it together, figure it out, and make this a more streamlined process for us. Or it gives me just over a year to find another career where I don't feel like screaming and throwing my computer out the window on a weekly basis. It's beyond ridiculous that they expect us to be able to service clients well when various team members are downloading forms and no one knows who has the most recent version and all is chaos. I cannot understand why they can't create a platform that functions and makes our lives easier - or at least not agonizing. Sorry to rant....
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 4:25 pm
RIght there with ya.
They figured it out for the v4.1 forms (which while we're at it, why can't they just put those on the main website like all the other ones?!) which do still open and function just fine, though similarly suffer in that only one person can access/edit it...ever. At the very minimum, the Admins need the ability to access those in addition to whatever team member is working on them. I digress.
They need to just suck it up and convert the v4's to that same format and install across the board. I know it's not that simple behind the scenes, but given the duration those forms have been an issue, we could have gone back to school, learned programming, and designed a better setup from scratch ourselves. USGBC/GBCI needs to industry-lead-its-way to fixing the problems in their own back yard while they're trying to solve all the world's problems. Maybe acquire some new IT people while they're acquiring all the other rating systems and accreditation programs...
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 4:48 pm
Nothing useful to add, just that I'm loving the rants. For once it's not just me venting!
IE working for me so far. I'm holding my breath...
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
May 21, 2021 - 5:45 pm
Same here, I need a good rant whenever I think about how many years I've spent (barely) putting up with LO. My Bluebeam is currently threatening to update so I'm glad this thread (which has been active since 2017?!) was revived so I can bookmark for troubleshooting in case everything breaks.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
May 22, 2021 - 5:34 pm
Just realized Dee's date posted above is for the eternal demise of IE; don't know why but it's so close to the sunset date for LEED v3, my brain decided that that's what you were posting about.
What can I say, reading is fundamental.
Here's the link for anyone interested:
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
May 24, 2021 - 10:33 am
Thanks for sharing the link! From that article...
"Having to use different browsers for different tasks can be frustrating. You may want to stay in a modern browser, but a public website or internal work app may only work in Internet Explorer. That’s where Microsoft Edge comes in. Its dual engine advantage streamlines your productivity. Instead of using “this browser for this site” and “that browser for that site,” now you can just use Microsoft Edge."
I had to laugh when I read that. Sounds like a challenge to LEED Online!
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
May 24, 2021 - 1:34 pm
I (temporarily) no longer hate the world and everything in it!
Two Windows 10 updates popped up in my system yesterday. The first one I installed did nothing for my LOL woes.
The second one, though...fixed it! At least for now. I am cautiously optimistic that this will stick.
In case it helps anyone, this was the update that solved whatever my issue was:
I will note that the one listed in this site as a requirement to install prior to the one that fixed it (KB5003243, a little down the page) was the first of the two updates that showed up for me. So if anyone is inquiring with their IT people, point that out. Other than that advice, I have no idea what the rest of the gibberish is saying, so your guess is as good as mine.
Good luck, my fellow sufferers...
Cynthia Kaplan
Principalcmk LEED
42 thumbs up
November 29, 2021 - 7:51 pm
Now that IE is going away very soon, I open IE and it defaults to Edge. And the Firefox Adobe plugin doesn't work with LOL either. Seriously, after being told by USGBC for the past 3 years that this compatibility issue would be addressed, it still hasn't happened. The clock is ticking, LEED Online. In the meantime, I'll be directing my school clients to CHPS.
Bo White
Senior Project EngineerNegaWatt Consulting
5 thumbs up
November 29, 2021 - 8:39 pm
Internet Explorer no longer opens on my computer, perhaps because I just switched to Windows 11. When I first used Edge, the forms wouldn't open. However, you can configure Edge to always open a URL in an Internet Explorer compatibility view. I did that for LEED Online and the forms now open. Go to the Edge Settings, then go to the Default browser section. Under "Internet Explorer compatibility", go to "Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode" and select "Allow" from the dropdown. Then, under "Internet Explorer mode pages", add "" and ""
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
March 1, 2022 - 12:24 pm
Hi all,
Time for an update as we near the series finale of Reasons Why I Hate LOL.
I was finally forced to give up on getting the forms to open/function within the browser sometime back in the fall after yet another software/Windows series of updates and countless, fruitless hours with our IT people. I resorted to the offline method and have continued in this purgatory ever since. The above suggestions did not work for me, and haven't worked for my colleagues. There do seem to be a few stragglers who can still open the forms in IE (while it breathes its last breath), but they are few and far between. Some have new computers, some very old, from different companies; I have not been able to identify any consistency in their setup for the rest of us to mimic.
That said, some pointers for those of us in offline mode. Naturally, these lessons learned are also inconsistent across users, and were only deciphered after many trials and tribulations, and a lot of profanity.
That's all I have for now. Excited to hear whatever experiences others have seen lately.
Now taking applications for the spinoff series "Reasons Why I Hate Edge."
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
March 1, 2022 - 1:08 pm
...and for those of you wondering - no, offline forms do not save properly on Procore...
Lyle Axelarris
Building Enclosure ConsultantBPL Enclosure
64 thumbs up
April 20, 2022 - 11:16 am
How am I the first to give this a thumb's up? Best post on all of LEEDUser. Maybe the internet?