Thought this might be a good place for this question/comment...
I logged into LEED Online this morning, as usual, through Firefox. I quickly figured out that the forms all of a sudden will not open. After some investigation, it seems that Firefox stopped supporting Adobe plugins as of yesterday, much like Chrome did back in Sept '15.
For me, this only leaves Internet Explorer that is compatible with being able to open/view/edit the forms while in the website.
Can anyone else confirm that this is the case for them, too?
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emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
481 thumbs up
May 3, 2022 - 10:20 am
This doesn't fix all of our collective problems, BUT...signs of progress, y'all:
Greg Romanczyk
EXP18 thumbs up
May 17, 2022 - 2:08 pm
Hi all!
Very glad that this thread exists, as we are facing the same issues with IE expiring. Our group found a workaround to edit the forms directly in LOL using Edge in Internet Explorer Compatibility mode:
This has worked so far and appears to be the only way to continue editing v4 forms in a browser (until they are eventually switched to html based forms like the new v4.1 forms).
Hopefully this helps others facing the similar issue!
Edgar Arevalo
Associate19 thumbs up
June 6, 2022 - 12:17 pm
Hi Greg,
I've been having the same problem and went with your solution, but it's still not working. I followed the instructions in the link and after resetting Edge, I open a LEED interactive form and I keep getting the same BS message "Your browser is incompatible or you have chosen to access the form offline. Please download the form, edit locally and upload it to LEED online upon completion."
Do you have another solution?
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
June 6, 2022 - 12:44 pm
Update for those of you using Chrome..."download form to edit" will get an "outdated Acrobat Reader" message. Ignore. Find the form in your download folder and go from there. (Do not change the form name when saving.)
Good luck out there.
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
June 6, 2022 - 12:51 pm
Honestly, at this point I'm just looking at the offline forms to see what info they require and then re-creating them in Word or Excel. I've had too many issues saving and uploading the USGBC forms. Most of the forms are just narratives and check-boxes anyway, with the more complex calculations being Excel uploads.
Nash Emrich
Senior ConsultantBuro Happold
12 thumbs up
June 6, 2022 - 1:49 pm
We've been using the same (as Greg describes) IE compatability mode in Edge for the past few months with success. Just last week, however, I stopped being able to edit the forms online and was forced to the offline method. The rest of my team still reports success with online form editing through Edge with IE compatability mode. I'm hoping that I just need an Edge update or something to help but have reached out to IT for direction. I'll update the thread with any relevant info.
Laura Charlier
LEED Services DirectorGroup14 Engineering, Inc.
58 thumbs up
June 7, 2022 - 2:31 pm
Thought we would ask via the feedback button (just for fun) to see if there were any plans we were missing for compatability with other browsers since IE will be gone in 2 weeks.
In a nutshell, the offline form is the only option and is temporary (for 6 months?!?!).
Here was the response:
Please check out the article and video of How to document LEED credits offline.
Please make sure you edit and save the forms in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC application, not in Bluebeam.
The offline form functionality is only a temporary solution while we are building the HTML based forms for v4 rating. End of year 2022 (phase 2 launch), all existing v4 projects will be migrated from Adobe to HTML forms which includes their data, attachments everything ported to the HTML version, so from then on all v4 customers old and new will be experiencing their form documentation in a web based. This will completely eradicate the issues customers have been experiencing. Hence this offline form feature is a temporary solution while we work on the larger piece as we wanted the business to continue without any roadblock.
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
June 7, 2022 - 3:23 pm
Thanks for the update Laura!
So my takeaway is - for every uploaded V4 file - SAVE A COPY before they migrate everything at year end 2022.
Joyce Kelly
Architect - Cx Provider - Building Performance SpecialistGLHN Architects & Engineers
27 thumbs up
June 14, 2022 - 2:29 pm
Good work for a Summer Intern, I guess.
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
June 14, 2022 - 2:36 pm
I have such a noob question it's embarrassing but here goes...
i just uploaded the LEED Credit form onto LEEDOnline. It goes "poof" into a uploaded cloud emoticon (that's what it looks like to me anyway).
HOW do I make edits to the form? there doesn't appear to be a way to do that...
and yes, I'm that person who rechecks and rechecks all the documents already upload.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
481 thumbs up
June 14, 2022 - 3:47 pm
Hey Deborah,
If you just want to check the re-uploaded form content, you click on the regular Form button on the Credits page and 'Download to View'. If you want to be able to edit it again, you'd 'Download to Edit' just like you did initially. Both options will require you downloading/saving locally in order to open the file; the only difference is the 'View' one is an independent file from the website, while the 'Edit' option once again puts the downloaded as the owner of that file until it is re-uploaded back to the site.
Make sense?