To comply if the requirements of this credit, could we installed CO2 devices, instead of outdoor airflow mesurement device, in non-densely occupied spaces?
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Dylan Connelly
Mechanical EngineerIntegral Group
LEEDuser Expert
472 thumbs up
May 28, 2013 - 4:16 pm
Fabiano - very interesting question! You could pose this to GBCI in a CIR.
While this approach would technically meet the credit's stated intent, I do think that this credit was written to encourage the use of AHU OA measuring devices. These devices can validate the systems ability to deliver the proper amount of OA to a bldg. While a C02 sensor would ensure enough ventilation air is reaching a space it would not easily be able to tell you if too much is being delivered.
We had a project where the OA damper was improperly sized and too much ventilation air was being delivered, even at the minimum open position. There is a large energy penalty for conditioning too much OA on the coldest and hottest days of the year. We wouldn't have know there was a mistake without the air flow sensing devise.
Thus your alternative approach may be a risky venture. In addition, cost wise, several extra CO2, controls, etc would seem to be more expense than one outdoor air flow measuring station.
John McFarland
Director of OperationsWorkingBuildings, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
42 thumbs up
May 29, 2013 - 9:00 am
Hi Fabiano,
I agree with Dylan. CO2 sensors in non-densely occupied spaces will not meet the credit requirements. As an aside if you want to use CO2 sensors to determine if the ASHRAE 62.1 minimum outdoor air is being supplied to ALL spaces, you would have to put a CO2 sensor in each space. A common mistake some project teams make is putting a single CO2 sensor in the return air from multiple spaces and controlling to this. That design does not meet ASHRAE 62.1 requirements and will not ensure the proper outdoor air is delivered to each space. One final note, ASHRAE 62.1-2010 requires direct measurement of outdoor air in variable air volume systems.
Webly Bowles
Project ManagerNew Buildings Institute
1 thumbs up
May 25, 2014 - 4:47 pm
Fabiano - we have had success with the proposed approach - CO2 sensors in all densely and non densely occupied spaces.
Megumi Horii
Nikken Sekkei LtdFebruary 3, 2015 - 5:48 am
Webly, could you explain how you convinced the reviewer with CO2 sensors in all densely and non-densely occupied spaces?