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Forum » NC-v4.1 MPR2

Airport expansion and Project boundary

NC-v4.1 MPR2: Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
posted by Filippo Weber on Sep 26, 2024, 7:12 am


I'm facing a though issues in establihing the corret LPB of a project and I hope you can give me some help. The project is the expansion of an existing airport and it includes:...

Existing Parking Lot

NC-v4.1 MPR2: Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
posted by Laura Soma on Dec 5, 2023, 12:55 pm

If building next to an existing parking lot, which will serve the new...

Last reply: Dave Hubka, Dec 6, 2023, 3:43 pm

Part of building certification

NC-v4.1 MPR2: Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
posted by Robert Yates on Jun 2, 2023, 10:39 am

I am looking to certify only part of a manufacturing building, which will be a newly built extension. In doing so, I'm wondering about where I should put my LEED boundary. Should it include any...

Zero Lot Line with required streetscape

NC-v4.1 MPR2: Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
posted by Elena Khoury on Apr 11, 2023, 11:42 am

Can streetscape can be excluded from a project boundary if it's required by municipality? For context, there's civil and landscape work that's occuring in front of my project that is required/...

LEED boundary- disturbed land that will support more than the project

NC-v4.1 MPR2: Must use reasonable LEED boundaries
posted by Kimberly Reddin on Jul 25, 2022, 11:11 am


I am working on an addition to a large existing building on a large parcel of land that the client owns. The masterplan for this site includes several future projects that could happen...

Last reply: Kimberly Reddin, Jul 28, 2022, 9:08 am