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Forum » EBOM-v4.1 EAp2

Confirmation of no CFC-based refrigerants

EBOM-v4.1 EAp2: Fundamental Refrigerant Management
posted by Daniel Esposito on Oct 30, 2023, 12:45 pm

For the required Fundamental Refrigerant Management credit, there is a check box at the top of the credit page asking to confirm "No CFC-based refrigerants are included in any new mechanical...

Air Sampling High Rises for Recertification

EBOM-v4.1 EAp2: Fundamental Refrigerant Management
posted by Karen Shilo on Jan 3, 2023, 11:32 am

What is the best way to air sample in the most efficient and cost effective way for a residential high rise for recertification? Our team has been able to identify each of the heating and cooling...