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Forum » Pilot-Credits MRpc76

Have any projects earned this pilot credit 76 yet?

Pilot-Credits MRpc76: Material ingredient reporting
posted by Michel Dedeo on Jun 15, 2014, 1:12 am

is actually a higher level of disclosure than 1,000 ppm (0.01% vs. 0.1% respectively.) We will follow up with a narrative explaining this. We will post another comment on this forum once our final construction...

Last reply: Haley Duncan, Jun 6, 2018, 12:09 pm

pilot closure

Pilot-Credits MRpc76: Material ingredient reporting
posted by Batya Metalitz on Mar 2, 2017, 11:14 am

Based on MR...

Master's Research Survey

Pilot-Credits MRpc76: Material ingredient reporting
posted by Vibha Pai on Jun 19, 2016, 7:27 pm

I am conducting this survey in affiliation with University of Cincinnati in support of my hypothesis for my Master's thesis. It would just take 10-15 minutes of your time. By completing this...