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4027 search results for "zero lot line"



General forums
posted by Mark Thompson on Sep 14, 2011, 12:35 am

of ADC altogether is the best approach as it is clean, simple, and in line with what people expect when they hear the word "recycling." Burying wood, metal and concrete in a landfill on top...

IP Credit: Discovery

General forums
posted by Mark Campbell on Sep 14, 2011, 5:31 pm

This credit is a very good addition. A lot of LEED projects today aren't doing these types of studies and they are very valuable. Consider associating a time frame for this credit. Big picture scenarios should be performed during conceptual (e.g. massing, orientation, etc.), parametric simulations (e.g. insulation, glazing, etc.) are best performed in schematic design phases of a project. It should be presented that not all of these simulations have to be done at one time, but where it best fits the project. Consider clearer definition of what is intended by two scenarios. That doesn't allow for much...

Estimating credit acheivement

CS-2009 SSc6.2: Stormwater design - quality control
posted by Amanda Ross on Sep 27, 2011, 7:35 pm

1) Does anyone know of any local/regional programs with the 80% standard in the Vancouver, BC area? Our project is located in Surrey, BC. My civil engineer tells me that he knows of no local/regional stormwater programs that have adopted the 80% TSS removal standard. Therefore, we need to provide field measurements after the installation. 2) Does anyone know of any good tools to estimate stormwater TSS removal? We have mostly non-structural measures (a lot of green roofs). It would be very helpful to know if we're getting close to this point. Thanks!-Amanda SSc6.2 ...

EAp2 Labs21 Climate zones

General forums
posted by Allen Doyle on Sep 29, 2011, 1:56 pm

It would be helpful if there were more than two options for climate zones when using Labs21 benchmark: 1) site zone 2) the nation. If there are not enough peer buildings in 1), you are forced to use 2) the national database. There are several climates that are relatively similar in the west that a similarity algorithm needs to be developed when not enough buildings are in a climate zone. It would make a lot more sense to compare buildings in Reno and Sacramento than Reno and Sacramento, Houston and Minneapolis as with the national pool. This algorithm would compare heating and cooling degree days...

PI Form 3- Occupant and Usage Data

General forums
posted by David Groseclose on Oct 11, 2011, 6:15 pm

Question was posted- I seem to be having trouble with this form. it continues to state that the form is not complete. Answer- Make sure all of the boxes that are blank have a zero in them. This made me crazy for at least an hour. LEED ...

Automation Session at Greenbuild Shows Potential

General forums
posted by Nadav Malin on Oct 12, 2011, 9:23 pm

There's a live video now from the LEED Automation session at Greenbuild, at which various Automation partners described their tools. A lot of the focus is on LEED Project Management tools (LoraxPro and GreenGrade; the latter incorporates LEEDuser content), but automated data uploading tools were on display as well. The presentation on COMNET's tool to automate data from an energy model was especially compelling.  But all were trumped by USGBC Research Director Chris Pyke, who is almost Steve Jobs-like in his energy when describing GBIG. A friend sitting next to me quipped: "I've never...

Pilot Credit #45 is a very indepth site analysis

Pilot-Credits SSpc45: Site assessment
posted by Kendal Neitzke on Oct 18, 2011, 3:19 pm

Our project site has a development history going back to the mid-1800's which included a rather lengthy and involved brownfield remediation. Although the documentation for this credit required a great deal of research, seeing all of the historical and envirnomental data in on place really gives a full picture of all of the parameters involved in the project site. This is definately a credit that needs to be implemented very early in a project's development phase. The only line item that we were not able address directly was for the "Onsite soil types and location, as mapped...

Seated height and systems furniture

NC-2009 IEQc8.2: Daylight and views - views
posted by Susan G. Drew on Nov 7, 2011, 12:27 pm

Given that systems furniture is now included in the calculation scope for IEQ8.2, does using industry-standard 42" high panels qualify as a 42" high line of sight? And, if higher panels are used, would one follow the office method of calculation-- i.e. if there is a line of sight (through the ws opening) for 75% of the workstation, its SF applies? Guidance appreciated. Thank you, Susan IEQc8.2 ...

LEED international discussion

General forums
posted by Tristan Roberts on Nov 13, 2011, 9:55 pm

Alicia, we're glad to have you on the forum. There is a lot of disucssion of LEED international issues sprinkled throughout the site. For example, there is currently a discussion of the new int'l ACPs here. LEED international Proyects ...

Design Operative Temperature & seccondary uses

NC-2009 IEQc7.1: Thermal comfort - design
posted by Guillermo T. Adamo on Jan 17, 2012, 5:33 pm

Thanks a lot Guillermo IEQc7.1 ...