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Best Practices

Focus on “big ticket” items when seeking materials to meet regional purchasing requirements. Regional materials like furniture and flooring may represent enough value to earn the credit. This approach allows you to Iimit the overall number of items you ne

Focus on “big ticket” items when seeking materials to meet regional purchasing requirements. Regional materials like furniture and flooring may represent enough value to earn the credit. This approach allows you to Iimit the overall number of items you need to track and document, reducing contractor headaches. If big-ticket items do not get you to the threshold you’re trying to meet, target medium-priced items next until you reach your goal.

Focus on “big ticket” items when seeking materials to meet regional purchasing requirements. If you can find regional materials like structural steel and concrete, these more expensive materials will go a long way toward meeting the required percentage of

Focus on “big ticket” items when seeking materials to meet regional purchasing requirements. If you can find regional materials like structural steel and concrete, these more expensive materials will go a long way toward meeting the required percentage of your materials budget. This approach allows you to Iimit the overall number of items you need to track and document, reducing contractor headaches. If these big-ticket items do not get you to the threshold you’re trying to meet, target medium-priced items next until you reach your goal.

For specific guidance on which Master Spec Divisions constitute construction material, the LEED Reference Guide for Commercial Interiors is not helpful. Instead, check the LEED Reference Guide for Design and Construction (for NC, CS and Schools) for defin

For specific guidance on which Master Spec Divisions constitute construction material, the LEED Reference Guide for Commercial Interiors is not helpful. Instead, check the LEED Reference Guide for Design and Construction (for NC, CS and Schools) for definitions of construction items per CSI Master Spec Format Divisions 3-10, 31.60 Foundations, 32.10 Paving, 32.30 Site Improvements, 32.90 Planting. (See Resources for Master Spec information.)

Make sure your survey is set up to capture a wide range of responses for each question. For example, present answers on a 7-point scale ranging from “very satisified” (+3) to “very dissatisfied” (-3) with a neutral (0) midpoint.

Make sure your survey is set up to capture a wide range of responses for each question. For example, present answers on a 7-point scale ranging from “very satisified” (+3) to “very dissatisfied” (-3) with a neutral (0) midpoint. You can adjust the scale increments to fit your needs; using a 7-point scale is not a credit requirement.