Onsite renewable energy is generally more technically difficult and expensive than offsite. Recognizing this, the credit rewards points at a faster rate if you choose onsite renewables. You can earn one to six points for 25%–100% offsite
Point thresholds for this credit apply not only to electricity but to total energy use within the building, including natural gas, propane, purchased steam, and fuel oil.
Work with the original design and construction team if possible to identify opportunities for optimizing building systems and operations during the recertification process.
If your team undertakes a value engineering process, make sure the full cutoff fixtures are not eliminated from the list or replaced by incandescent or high-powered halogen fixtures. These changes are often overlooked and may cost the project this credit.
The designer reviews the final bid documents and budget estimates to confirm that the fixtures have not been substituted for by another type, and that interior lighting controls and window shades are not omitted.
Avoid aiming light at highly reflective site and ground surfaces, such as white pavement and water features, which can exacerbate light pollution. The photometric study may not capture these characteristics.
A photometric study will facilitate communication about lighting levels among the designer, owner and the design team. The study entails computer modeling simulating the lighting intensity of the designed layout in footcandles, lux or candela. It allows the designer to see the resulting output, with iterative design options as the fixtures are reduced or replaced. Typically the photometric study measures light levels in a 10’x10’ grid.