“Preferred parking” refers to designated spaces located nearest the building entrance, covered, or at a discount price, but not providing preference over handicapped parking. Preferred parking spaces must be clearly designated, for example, with a sign that states “Carpool and vanpool parking only.”
If your project is an existing site with parking, you can revamp the parking spaces (and even rearrange the layout) and still earn this credit as long as the number of new parking spaces does not exceed the number of previously existing parking spaces. Consider reducing the parking area, however, if it’s more than the project needs. This will help you comply with credits such as SSc6.1: Stormwater Management.
Providing no new parking is the easiest compliance option. This is a great option for projects that already have adequate parking spaces or that are in close proximity to public transit (also earning SSc4.1: Alternative Transportation—Public Transportation Access). However, this is not possible for all projects.
Consider designating a recycling coordinator (most likely someone in the GC’s office) to deal with all issues both onsite and off-site pertaining to CWM and making sure the plan is implemented properly and followed by all involved.
Source separating, or onsite sorting, can yield the highest recycling rate and the best price for materials. Try to encourage the contractor to locate separate containers onsite to sort the materials.